NPP, NDC too powerful, comfortable; we need something different – Ampofo | Policy


A seasoned journalist, David Ampofo defends the course of a radical change in dimensions, from a conventional party policy to a political era without a party.

In a long and detailed drafting, the reporter focuses on the history of Ghanaian politics, especially with regard to the two main parties; the new Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

He points out that Ghana has become dysfunctional because parties function as "enterprises" that benefit the benefits of their members, while the general interest of the country is set aside and played out.

His belief is that the emergence of a serious (independent) candidate will not question the status quo and will ensure that the country is functioning again.

"It seems to me that the main political parties in Ghana have run their full cycle. There is no sign of reinvention. This is the good old syndrome of "maintaining the status quo". Our parties now function as "businesses" that exist primarily for the well-being of their members. We have a problem with the politics of our party. We have made it difficult for a president to achieve broad and inclusive progress. Something must give, "he wrote.

He referred to calls by NDC member Carl Wilson in favor of an independent presidential candidate without a party.

Over time, Wilson has argued for a president whose actions will not be controlled by the party's influence, which will only work through its principles and ideas for the country's progress.

He called for an independent president before the 2016 elections and, more recently, for such a president to help deal with the threat posed by partisan militias in the country.

Mr. Ampofo commented on his appeals;

"I just read an article in the Daily Graphic newspaper quoting Carl Wilson (described in various ways as a member of the NDC, a political scientist, port security officer under the Millls administration, political activist) who allegedly called for the candidacy of an independent candidate to go in the right direction. I could not agree more. I do not know Mr. Wilson. I do not even know his thoughts about it. I just know that he is talking about a presidential candidate without a party. And he is on the spot.

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