Nurx introduces practical and private STI home test kits


Nurx is committed to providing an affordable option for STI screening by accepting health insurance where possible and offering competitive prices to people without health insurance. Thanks to the convenience of home testing, Nurx also enables its patients to realize substantial savings by taking into account the "cost" of absence from work for appointments, round trips from the nearest clinic and stays in the waiting room. A recent study of Harvard Medical School estimates that the average doctor's visit to the United States takes more than two hours, or 1.1 billion hours per year.

In addition to one $ 12 The consulting fees, which provide patients with unlimited access to the Nurx medical team for full counseling for up to one year, will cost you the following:

  • Complete control kit: Gonorrhea and chlamydia (throat, rectal, urine), syphilis, hepatitis C and HIV
    • $ 75 with health insurance, $ 220 without health insurance
  • Kit for women in good health: Gonorrhea and chlamydia (throat, badl), trichomoniasis, syphilis and HIV
    • $ 75 with health insurance, $ 190 without health insurance
  • Covered with the basic kit: Gonorrhea and chlamydia (urine), syphilis, HIV
    • $ 75 with health insurance, $ 150 without health insurance

"Nurx is uniquely positioned to combat the STI epidemic by eliminating barriers to screening and providing patients with a convenient and affordable" all-in-one "experience, from screening to counseling through to the treatment, "said the general manager of Nurx. Varsha Rao. "We have created a lot of confidence in our community of contraception and HIV prevention patients, and we are committed to continuing to give our patients the resources and knowledge they need to protect themselves and their partners."

With Nurx's STI home test kits, there is no need to find an available appointment, go to the doctor's office or clinic, or queuing at the pharmacy. After answering a few questions about their medical history, Nurx's medical team will determine if a patient is a suitable candidate for home-based STI screening. The test kit will then be delivered to the patient's home, which will include everything needed, as well as a prepaid return envelope. Nurx will provide detailed instructions on how to collect samples – for each kit, the entire process takes less than 15 minutes. From there, the patient will return the samples to the fully accredited CAP partner laboratory and Nurx CLIA certified laboratory in a pre-paid envelope. In a few days, Nurx's medical team will communicate with the patient to inform them of the results and will prescribe an oral treatment if necessary, or work closely with the patient to ensure that He has access to care in person if necessary.

Nurx home test kits are simple and safe to use. For a specific test, patients will be required to provide a urine sample or badl swab, a finger prick blood sample, as well as throat swabs for the women's kit and rectal swabs and throat for the complete test kit. All the proposed tests have been scientifically validated for the automatic home collection by the Nurx partner laboratory and the patients receive detailed tutorials for the collection of the samples in order to make sure that they are guided at every step of the way. process.

Nurx is committed to providing patients with practical and affordable solutions to meet sensitive health needs. With more than 200,000 patients, Nurx is now the leading online provider of contraceptives and HIV prevention medications, PrEP. The company also offers home testing for PrEP and HPV, the leading cause of cervical cancer.

"Since the presentation of our PrEP and HPV home test kits, the positive results have been significantly higher among the patient population, demonstrating that there is a real need to make STI testing more convenient and affordable. "said Jessica Horwitz, vice president of clinical services at Nurx. "This is particularly important since many STIs are asymptomatic, but can be treated easily if they are screened early." As with all the health services we offer, we are committed to meeting our patients where they are. 39 is more convenient and comfortable, and provide them with affirming, care without judgment. "

The Nurx STI Home Test Kits are available in 24 states and District of Colombia, encompbading over 80% of the US population. Patients can learn more and request a test kit from

About Nurx
Nurx is an all-in-one health technology company that provides easy online access to healthcare providers, as well as seamless drug distribution and home-based screening kits for sensitive health needs. We believe that everyone should have the freedom to live well and be responsible for your health decisions, no matter what your situation. From diagnosis to delivery, we strive to stay healthy and stay healthy, even better.

Media contact
Allison Berry
Communications Officer
[email protected]
(650) 799 2676


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