Nzema's youth congratulates Charlotte Osei on her new appointment to the UN


General News on Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Source: Abizi Morkeh


Charlotte Osei Ghanas EC Boss 34 Charlotte Osei

Nzema Youth for Peace and Development congratulated former President of the Electoral Commission, Charlotte Osei, on her appointment as Commissioner of International Elections in Afghanistan.

In a statement, the group said: "We have found that our daughter Nzema has been appointed Commissioner for International Elections in Afghanistan by the United Nations as the country of South Asia prepares to hold crucial presidential elections in September 2019. An appointment was entrusted to him by a Presidential Decree issued by the President of Afghanistan, HE Ashraf Ghani. "

The group added that his appointment confirmed the biblical saying that "the stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone".

Ms. Osei is expected to join a team of UN-appointed election experts from around the world to provide technical support, capacity-building and advice on best practices in elections to the United Nations. Electoral Complaints Commission and the Independent Electoral Commission to carry out a peaceful democratic process. and credible elections.

Find below the complete declaration


Nzema Youth for Peace and Development would like to congratulate Charlotte Osei, Ghana 's last election commissioner, on her new international appointment.

According to the news, we observed that our daughter Nzema was appointed by the United Nations as the Commissioner for International Elections in Afghanistan as the South Asian country prepares to hold crucial presidential elections in September 2019. An appointment it has been entrusted to him by presidential decree. by the President of Afghanistan, HE Ashraf Ghani.

Ms. Osei led the most crucial and credible 2016 presidential and legislative elections in Ghana. An election that the international community has also found to be free, fair and credible has led to a number of international awards and honors, including the US Government's "Woman of Courage Award" (2017), the Glitz Africa Women's Choice Award. in the year 2018 (governance), the Chatham House Award. 2017 Finalist and ECOWAS Election Observer Team in the Nigerian Presidential Election 2019.

We pray that GOD will have WISDOM, MANAGEMENT, and PROTECTION before, during, and after your posting in Afghanistan. Continue to carry high the flag of Ghana and the name NZEMA.

Your recognition has confirmed the biblical saying that "stone rejected by builders has become the cornerstone". And this clearly shows that "a prophet is not recognized by his people".

Once again we congratulate our dear and precious daughter, Nzema, and say that God bless you and we will continue to be with you.

Mo ne egyima kpale

Long live Nzema women
Long live Ghana

Abizi Morkeh

Adolf Ngoah

Joseph Agyekum

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