Obese people can reduce deadly heart fat by one-third through high-intensity interval training, experts say – The Sun


One study shows that obese people can reduce their cardiac fat mbad by one-third by participating in high-intensity interval training.

HIIT workouts, which are gaining in popularity, include a series of exercises, followed by short breaks until the participants are exhausted.

    Increasingly popular HIIT workouts can reduce the heart's fatal weight by 32%


Increasingly popular HIIT workouts can reduce the heart's fatal weight by 32%Credit: Getty – Contributor

Until now, scientists have struggled to discover the best training techniques to reduce heart fat and reduce the risk of disease. In the Danish study, 50 inactive and obese adults, aged 41 years on average, were divided into groups.

One did HIIT, the second a muscle building program and the last group remained inactive.

All people were told to eat the same foods and maintain activity levels without training for 12 weeks.

HIIT training reduced heart fat by 32%.

Resistance exercises were also effective, reducing heart fat by 24%.

Dr. Regitse Christensen, senior author at the University of Copenhagen, said: "This data highlights the potential importance of different prevention exercises.

She said the best way to find a healthy heart might be to combine exercise with the reduction of unhealthy foods.

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