Obesity accelerates the onset of puberty in boys, according to a study


NEW ORLEANS – Girls are not the only ones to go through puberty early if they are obese. Obese boys are entering puberty earlier than average, according to a study to be presented Sunday at ENDO 2019, the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society in New Orleans, Louisiana.

In 527 Chilean boys aged 4 to 7 years, total body obesity and central obesity, or excess belly fat, were badociated with an increased likelihood of starting puberty before age 9, reported researchers from the University of Chile in Santiago de Chile.

"With the increase in obesity in children worldwide, the age of onset of puberty in girls has increased," said chief investigator Maria Veronica. Mericq, professor at the university. "However, in boys, the evidence has been controversial."

Some American studies have shown that obesity delayed puberty, while another study showed that only overweight, but not obesity, induced earlier puberty in boys. In contrast, results from studies in Europe have shown early puberty in overweight and obese boys. Early puberty – called precocious puberty – is linked to potential problems, including stunting and emotional-social problems, according to the Hormone Health Network.

The boys were part of the Chilean growth and obesity cohort study. Puberty was judged early using a standard measure in boys: testicular growth (greater than 3 cubic centimeters, or about 0.19 cubic inches) before the age of 9 years. To determine central obesity, study staff measured each boy's waistline. For total obesity, they used weight and height to calculate the standard deviation score (SDS) of body mbad index (BMI). A BMI greater than 1 SDS is equal to a BMI greater than the 85th percentile for age, the scale used by the United States to indicate overweight in children. Obesity is a BMI greater than 2 SDS or greater than the 95th percentile.

The Mericq team found that the prevalence of total obesity increased with age, from 22% of boys aged 6 to 7 years to 28.6% at 11.4 years old, the average age at the beginning of puberty for this group. Central obesity also increased during this period, from 11.8% to 17.4%.

Early puberty occurred in 45 boys, or 9%. Total obesity and central obesity of 4 to 7 years increased the risk of early puberty compared to a healthy weight. For example, in boys aged 5 or 6, those who were obese were nearly 2.7 times more likely to start their puberty early, and those in central obesity had almost 6.4 times more puberty chances before the age of 9, reported Mericq. She explained that central obesity is more closely related to body fat because a high BMI may reflect a muscular increase, especially in athletes.

"Early puberty could increase the risk of behavioral problems and, in boys, could be linked to a higher incidence of testicular cancer in adulthood," said Mericq. "Our findings suggest that controlling the childhood obesity epidemic could be helpful in reducing these risks."


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