Ocean Energy: "What's needed, it's sustainable support"


European companies are considered world leaders in the field of ocean energy. By 2050, the market should represent 53 billion euros per year. As part of an episode of the ocean on the exploitation of the power of our seas, we met Neil Kermode, Director General of the European Center for Marine Energy.

Important for coastal communities

On potential growth in this sector, Kermode said: "We need people in coastal areas to really care about this technology because it will involve jobs in these coastal areas. various locations, but they will have to be maintained by the local people, on board boats, to repair these machines and make them work.We have already seen here in these islands that a lot of work had been created – just in the research .and even less the forthcoming roll-out, so we think it's important for coastal communities for their future, their sustainability and their energy supply. "

Private investment

The European Commission has injected some 300 million euros over the past ten years into tidal and wave power projects, while more and more private investors are showing interest in the sector.

"It's really interesting to see the interest shown by private investors in this space, so there have been some successful crowdsourcing activities, but we realize that they will still need to government support until there is enough public trust, and one will decrease as the other gets smaller, so it takes time for this to happen, but this creates a lot of private interest, "said Kermode.

"It takes time for it to work"

To summarize, Kermode insists: "I think that to succeed these technologies, you have to be patient, because it takes time for it to work, to be sure that it will be there and keep the vision. 39, low carbon energy. It will not happen in five minutes, it takes time. We therefore need sustained support, strong support and the ability of regulators to help this technology. enter the water. "

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