OCP Africa launches Agribooster initiative in Nasia


Company News of Thursday, July 11, 2019

Source: OCP Africa


Samuel Oduro Country Director, OCP Africa GhanaPays Samuel Oduro, Country Director, OCP Africa

OCP Africa, a subsidiary of OCP Group – a global producer of phosphate and its derivatives, with nearly 100 years of experience, has relaunched its "Agribooster Offer" aimed at helping to boost food production in the world. country and empower smallholders. Farmers.

The Agribooster Offer is an innovative farmer-centered market development model that brings together different actors in the agriculture value chain to create the best conditions for farmers to increase yields, incomes and resources. of subsistence.

The 2019 edition of Agribooster will be implemented in coordination with the Ministry of Food and Agriculture in the Upper West, Upper Ontario regions. East, Northeast, North, Bono East and Bono, to reach 70,000 smallholders who grow corn, rice and soybeans. Beans.

Samuel Oduro-Asare, Country Manager of OCP Africa Ghana, said: "OCP Africa has presented this" Agribooster offer "to help farmers gain access to quality training: agricultural practices, finance, markets and inputs This combined offer will allow farmers to get out of the subsistence agriculture. "

"The expected result for the 2019 project is to increase agricultural yield from 20% to 40% of the 70,000 affected farmers. The project should include 30 to 40% women and 20 to 30% young farmers. "

Mr. Seth Osei-Akoto, Director of Cultures, said he was very pleased that this OCP-Africa program is aligned with the Government Planter for Food and Employment (PFJ) program in order to give farmers the knowledge and skills to maximize the benefits of using planting materials and other subsidized inputs.

According to the Crops Director, along with the Agribooster offer, the "Plant to Create Food and Create Jobs" (PFJ) program will also improve the marketability of increased food crop production by establishing a strong link between producers, private aggregators, public food programs and private foods. and feed businesses.

He thanked OCP Africa for this unique initiative and encouraged all farmers to subscribe to this offer and to improve their knowledge and skills to increase their yield and income and improve their well-being.

OCP Africa first launched the Agribooster offer in 2018 for ten thousand (10,000) maize and rice farmers in the Volta, North and Upper West regions. . A yield increase of 30 to 40% was achieved for this first edition.

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