Odumase Krobo Young raging on "Dumsor"


General News on Thursday, April 4, 2019

Source: starrfm.com.gh


Dumsor Shot1 Angry youth blocked roads with burnt tires

Angry young people from Nuaso in Odumase Krobo, Eastern Region, are protesting the power outage in the area, especially in the evening.

According to locals, their lights have been extinguishing steadily at 18 hours for three days.

The angry youth blocked a main road and burned combustible objects on the road, creating a traffic jam when the blockade spread to other parts of the road.

Angry youths threaten to beat the staff of the Energy Distribution Service (PDS) as they enter the community.

Police and firefighters had not yet reported the violence at the scene, even though they were near a police station.

Two years ago, a quarrel between ECG residents and workers, now the PDS, ensued when angry residents of Somanya attacked the ECG 's office. then for excessive billing.

Police vehicles were burned and property destroyed during the violent attack.

Since the incident, locals have held press conferences and petitioned the president and the VRA to ask them to revolt against the payment of electricity bills, claiming that the VRA had agreed with their ancestors to provide them with free electricity construction of Akosombo dam.

A group called United Krobo Foundation, made up of leaders of the different Krobo groups, defends the course, calling on the VRA to respect its memorandum of understanding with the Krobo people.

According to them, the Volta River Authority (VRA) must provide Krobos, in its catchment area, with a free electricity supply after fifty years of field operation ".

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