Old man bitten by a raging bat hiding in an iPad case


A man was bitten by a bat in his home in New Hampshire. Roy Syvertson said that he was using his iPad in his living room when he felt a pain similar to a bee sting. ( pixabay )

An 86-year-old man from South Hampton, New Hampshire, had to be treated after being bitten by a rabid bat while he was at home.

A New Hampshire man bitten by a rabid bat inside his home

Roy Syvertson said that he was sitting in his living room, using his iPad, when the incident occurred.

"I always do the same thing: I just open it like that and I turn it around, then I usually put it between my legs like that," he told WMUR. "It was like a bee sting."

He explained that the bat was hiding between the cover of the iPad and the iPad. As soon as Syvertson understood what had happened, he immediately pressed the device to prevent the animal from escaping inside the house.

He went out immediately to release the bat. However, the next morning, the bat was still there, trailing near the house. The same night he found the bat dead.

"Then I knew I might have a problem," he said.

Syvertson immediately phoned the New Hampshire Sport Fishing Department to report the incident. He was told to go immediately to the hospital for treatment against rabies.

The authorities also collected the corpse for testing purposes and found that it was positive for rabies.

Fortunately, Syverton said that he felt good and that he was now recovering at home. He does not know how the bat came into the house and into his iPad.

He hopes his story will inform the public about the risk of rabies.

What to do when bitten by a rabid animal

Rabies is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most reported cases of rabies occur in wild animals, including raccoons, foxes, skunks and bats. Domestic animals and livestock can also be infected.

People infected with the virus may have fever, headaches and general weakness. As the disease progresses, more specific symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, confusion, arousal, hallucinations, agitation, hypersalivation, the difficulty swallowing, hydrophobia and mild or partial paralysis.

If left untreated, rabies can lead to death.

In the event of a bite by a potentially rabid animal, public health experts recommend that patients wash their wounds to reduce the risk of infection. Use soap and running water.

Seek immediate medical attention. The CDC has stated that rabies is a "medical emergency" and should not be delayed.

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