One in five girls and one young woman are bullied about the rules – study | Society


In the UK, one in five girls and young women are teased or harbaded about their periods, and many suffer in silence, according to studies.

Of the 20% of youth aged 14 to 21 who told their pollsters that they were targeted, almost half (49%) said they did not tell anyone about the abuse. About 67% said that the abuse occurred mainly at school and 66% missed clbades because of their periods.

The study, based on a survey of 1,000 women, was published on Tuesday by Plan International UK to coincide with the Minister of Women and Equality, Penny Mordaunt, announcing the charity's co-chairing group. work on government poverty.

He will work with the government office for Equality and Procter & Gamble to try to combat stigma and reinforce rule education.

Accessibility to the products of the time would be examined as well as the 5% VAT on tampons and sanitary napkins, known as the "stamp tax".

Plan International UK Executive Director Tanya Barron said that girls "face unacceptable stigma and shame about their rules".

"Not only are girls' self-confidence and self-esteem harmful, but they also have an often neglected impact on their education. The girls tell us that they miss school because of their rules and that they find it hard to catch up with their schoolwork. We can not allow this to continue. "

It was announced earlier this year that tampons and other sanitary products would be distributed free of charge in England to schools and to hospital patients.

Mordaunt said, "For too long, British women and girls have had to face unnecessary adversity because of their rules, which is why we have formed this new working group.

"Our two new co-chairs, Plan International UK and Procter & Gamble, have already produced impressive work across the country to improve access to legacy products and change old attitudes toward menstruation and eliminate taboos. "

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