One million moms boycott Toy Story 4 about a lesbian couple


Woody and his friends go to a final round in Toy Story 4.

There is a moment in Toy Story 4 that you may have forgotten the place where a child is greeted by his two mothers after a day in kindergarten. It's a moment just arrived, although presented without fanfare as an average moment of history. Of course, the very existence of a queer couple in an animated film has angered some conservative viewers who find the scene "dangerous".

The One Million Moms group, fond of boycott, announced that it was boycotting the Disney hit by issuing a statement saying (via UpRoxx):

At the beginning of the film, when Woody's new owner, Bonnie, begins her first day of kindergarten, there is a fast-moving scene in the background where a child is left by two mothers. Later, the mothers come back for their child who takes them in his arms. The scene is subtle in order to desensitize the children. But it is obvious that the child has two mothers and they are parents together. Toy Story 4 This is the last place where parents expect their children to be confronted with content about badual orientation. Questions of this nature are introduced too soon and too soon. It's extremely common but useless.

I really doubt that children understand what is happening in the background of the scene. Moms are not the centerpiece of the sequence and outside this scene, we do not see them in the film. Kids will be too busy laughing at Woody, Buzz and Forky's antics to focus on the social background commentary, which is not even a comment.

It's a moment when two mothers lay down their son and later pick him up at school. There is no moralist. The film does not stop to point out these characters and congratulate themselves on their progressive nature. It's presented as a simple fact of life. Some children have two parents of the same bad. It's a reality, and if Pixar wants to represent life (or rather life with talking toys), he can include same-bad parents in his films.

The boycott is not serious. The film has already reported a reasonable sum and will probably win the Oscar for Best Animated Film, baduming Frozen 2 do not take the price. This will not really impact the box office of the film a few weeks after its release. But it's always a little annoying to see that even the slightest hint of inclusion deserves a boycott, because apparently the inclusion of LGBT + characters is automatically too much of an adult.

Moments like that count, though. They allow people to feel seen and less alone. There are bound to be many children who have two parents of the same bad who will see the film and, if they notice the moms, say, "Oh, it's like my family!" Representation is important, especially for younger people. It is time to prioritize inclusion and tolerance, beyond the concern of creating groups that will not really matter.

(via UpRoxx, image: Pixar)

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