One study reveals that 10 minutes of daily exercise could prevent disability in the elderly


According to a new study, physical activity could be one of the best defenses against disability.

Researchers at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University found that being moderately active for one hour a week alone prevented mobility-limiting disabilities in older adults with pain and joint stiffness. legs.

The study, published this week in the journal American Journal of Preventive Medicine, reviewed OA data from more than 1,500 adults aged 49 to 83 from cities in the United States. Subjects who had osteoarthritis pain but were not yet disabled were followed from 2008 to 2014.

Osteoarthritis is a common form of arthritis badociated with aging and progressive wear of joints. It affects millions of Americans – especially the knees – and about two in five of those affected end up developing a mobility disability or daily life, the researchers said in a press release.

The researchers found that subjects who practiced an hour of moderate to vigorous exercise each week – including simply walking quickly for 10 minutes a day – reduced their risk of developing certain disabilities up to 85%. After four years, they were more likely to cross the street safely, cross their home or do their morning routine than those who exercised less.

"Identifying an evidence-based goal of physical activity that supports these basic abilities can motivate inactive older adults to begin their journey to health benefits through a physically active lifestyle," she said. Study, Dorothy D. Dunlop, professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern Medicine told CNN. "If future work shows that a moderate activity relationship of one hour per week is favorably badociated with other health outcomes, this threshold could constitute an intermediate goal in terms of Physical activity. "

The study adds to a growing body of research badociating physical activities such as walking or gardening with healthy longevity. Another recent study found that replacing 30 minutes of sitting with light physical activity reduced the risk of premature death by half.

The researchers admitted that the study, which they say is the first of its kind to consider whether there is a minimal amount of exercise that still provides health benefits to older adults, was not limitless. For example, the accelerometers they used to track their exercises could not be used to measure aquatic activities and may have underestimated the effects of cycling.

Nevertheless, the results are encouraging for inactive adults or less than 2.5 hours of physical activity each week, recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"The more active you are, the more health benefits you receive," Dunlop told USA TODAY. "But if you can start doing at least 10 minutes of moderate physical activity a day, this can help you retain your ability to stay independent."

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