Only NDC Can Save Ghana – Bagbin | Policy


Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, second vice-speaker of Parliament, said the current difficulties in Ghana would force Ghanaians to bring back the National Democratic Congress to power.

In a statement copied to the Ghana Press Agency in Accra, he traced the antecedent of the ruling party and stressed that whenever he was in power, he would eventually derail his development program to irritate Ghanaians to return to a leftist party.

"Whether in the Busia or Kufuor era, Ghanaians have always turned to the party with the most concrete philosophy for the development of the country. A party like the NDC, which is for the moment the only party to demonstrate that it has practical solutions to save Ghana, "said Bagbin.

According to him, if the NPP had not succeeded in advancing Ghana's development each time it was in power, it was because the political philosophy of the ruling party did not meet the needs of the country.

"At the heart of capitalist philosophy is the idea that big business needs to be financed so that they can, in turn, employ other companies and bring about spin-offs. Large companies in this context are supposed to be multinationals that manufacture their own products.
"However, Ghana's level of development at the moment is not suitable for the ideal conditions for such a runoff effect to occur.

"We do not really have big multinational companies that can produce their own products and employ hundreds, if not millions, of people. So when you direct the money to the very small number of existing businesses, they just import, which creates jobs elsewhere and devalues ​​the cedi.

"That's what the nuclear power plants did under Busia and Kufuor, and that's what the nuclear power plant under Akufo-Addo does, and the bottom line is clear: the gap between the rich and the poor has widened.

"Compare this to the NDC's philosophy that we must provide equal opportunities for all, and in doing so, we must create a manufacturing base for our country, we must build more schools, we need to build more and more. Hospitals, etc.

"From President Rawlings to President Mills, through John Mahama, that's what the NDC has done and that's why the NDC is responsible for most of our national infrastructure in this country," said Mr. Bagbin.

He pointed out that the NDC had the largest number of schools built, the largest number of hospitals built, factories such as the Kumasi shoe factory and the Komenda sugar factory, while the N & # 1 nuclear power plant There was none to show.

The NDC, he said, was much more useful to the Ghanaian agricultural sector than the nuclear power plant. "We gave free fertilizer to cocoa farmers, for example, the nuclear plant now sells them to the same farmers."

Regarding the economy, he stressed that whenever the NDC was in power, the country's macroeconomic performance was better, saying that the international reserves and imports covered by the Ghana were always better when the NDC was in power and depreciated when the NPP was in place. Power.

"When they were in opposition and we were in power, they complained about our loan. Today, after only two years in office, they borrowed ten times more than we had borrowed in eight years.

"When we were in power under President Mills, we kept inflation at about a figure for almost a year," Bagbin added.

He said it could continue over and over, including the fact that it was the Mills government that had introduced Ghana into the middle-income category. "The evidence is there to see everything, only the NDC has advanced this country every time we are in power. Only the NDC can save Ghana. "

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