Opera presents Reborn 3: the first desktop browser equipped for Web 3 – the Internet of the future


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Opera presents Reborn 3
Photo: Opera ASA Software

April 12


of OTS
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Oslo, Norway (ots) – The latest Opera browser for Mac, Windows and Linux now offers a cryptographic portfolio, a Web browser 3 and a free VPN. Reborn 3 is designed to give users control of their data online and give them a vision of the Internet of the future.

On average, people are now online six hours a day. The more time we spend online, the more we are exposed to potential hazards in the network. With Opera 60 (code name Reborn 3), Opera has dramatically improved the level of security and privacy and significantly redesigned the design.

Opera is the first relevant computer browser to integrate Web 3 Explorer and Crypto Wallet. These new features allow users to make payments via block chains and browse the Internet of the future, also called Web 3.

With the same browser VPN network, Opera wants to ensure that users surf safely and control their data permanently.

"The Internet has changed our lives, we are more or less constantly online, but the more time we spend online, the more tools we need to ensure the security and privacy of our personal data," says Krystian Kolondra , Executive Vice President at Opera, Head of Browsers. "With this major upgrade, we are taking the first step towards the Web 3. This is the new Web on which the user has the upper hand, and we believe that all browsers should be web-enabled 3 today. "

Web 3 is the Internet of the future

Web 3 is the Internet of the future based on block chains. As of today, users can enter the address of a 3 web application in the Opera browser 's address bar and immediately explore the Web 3.

"Blockchain technologies give the advantage to control," continues Krystian Kolondra. "They can safely sign payments and login to websites without revealing too much private information."

PC and smartphone are synchronized on the Web 3 for secure transactions

The Krypto wallet of the new Opera Desktop browser synchronizes with the Krypto wallet of the Android Opera browser. This means that wallet keys never leave the user's smartphone. In practice, this means that whenever a user has to identify himself on a Web site 3 or has to sign a transaction in a blockchain, he receives a corresponding message on his smartphone. He can now confirm them as easily as he unlocks his system, for example with facial recognition or fingerprint function.

Krystian Kolondra explains: "Blockchain technology has gone from a pure speculation tool that will shape the Internet in the future, and we decided to accelerate this development of Web 3, which includes all our fans for all operating systems – Blockchain-enabled, making Opera the first browser developer to do it. "

The crypto wallet feature will soon be available in the iOS browser, Opera Touch.

Faster VPN for more security and privacy

The demand for VPN services is growing steadily. Currently, about one third of VPN users worldwide use this service to remain anonymous on the net. Opera is the only browser developer to offer a fast and free browser-based VPN.

Unlimited browser VPN improves user privacy and increases their level of security when they surf obscure public networks.

The browser's VPN establishes a secure encrypted tunnel that protects user data from third-party access while masking their geographic location. The browser VPN service is also a non-journaling service, which means that VPN servers do not store and store data, or anything to protect users' data.

New design gives Opera the perfect setting for the Internet

The fact that people now spend a quarter of their lives online, the quality of applications used plays an increasingly important role. More and more people spend more and more time surfing the Internet through their browsers. Opera believes that a browser should provide an ideal setting for surfing the Web, as well as a clbadic setting for a work of art.

In the new version of the Opera browser, users can relax in the new design without borders and surf without distraction by separating the lines. Content occupies a central place.

In addition, the new browser offers two different bright patterns, bright and dark. Inspired by high-contrast, low-contrast photography, the browser offers users the ability to switch between light and dark depending on their mood or visualized content.

Opera is the new standard of navigation

With enhanced data protection, future Internet access and a new attractive design, Opera offers a compelling tool that allows users to control their digital lives while providing them with fun.

To illustrate his point, the company made a film in which a woman walks in a futuristic environment trying to regain control of her digital life. The Opera browser also has two backgrounds inspired by cinema.

About the opera

Founded in Norway in 1995, Opera develops Europe-based and KI-based browser solutions for digital content delivery. The company is considered one of the most innovative browser providers in the world. Opera is listed on the NASDAQ under the symbol OPRA.

Source: OTS

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