Opinion | Today @Wembley: How an alleged killer of a journalist under cover


Today @Wembley: What alleged murder of the clandestine journalist - Ahmed Hussein Suale Bolted. Has there been arrest or no arrest?

I have not seen a stunned drunk monk yet. But I've heard that those who go to Wembley surely get drunk like a skunk. The varieties served here are enticing. They include: tequila, vodka, rum, Baiju, "Alomo" bitters and "Akpeteshie", local distilled beverages and many others.

And if you're in Wembley, chances are you'll escape the police and escape. You now know that this is not your usual stadium at Wembley Stadium in London, UK, which hosts major football matches.

It's in Wembley that people get caught.

A popular tavern nestled in the heart of the Ghanaian capital. The pub, known for being frequented by "scoundrels and drug addicts", is located near Kotobabi – a suburb of Accra.

Do you remember what Kwame Baffoe (aka Abrronye DC), Acting President of NPP Bono East, said on national television about a suspect who had been released on bail at the Kotobabi police station?

On Tuesday, April 2, for the first time in about three months, at a press conference, the world received first-hand information from DCOP Maame Yaa Tiwaa Addo Danquah, head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), concerning the murder of Ahmed Suale.

Even though there seemed to have been an arrest at Wembley, this arrest became odd, Boss CID told the press.

With permission from Ghanaweb, I saw a video of this press briefing. She was held at the police headquarters in Acca. A video to see, of course, but I think it did not last long on the site. I suspect that it has been removed.

Facts and misconceptions

First, the facts: On March 20, a suspect related to the murder of Ahmed Hussein Suale was arrested at the Wembley Bar, according to the CID official.

The arrest that never took place, she added, was followed by an informant who had gone to the police station in Kotobabi to inform them that he had seen the suspect at the tavern.

Will ring a bell?

It was the alleged suspect Abronhye was referring to. He was an informant and not a suspect.

But in no time at Kotobabi station, a phone call informed us that Wembley's suspect was about to leave.

So, the officer on duty at the time had to rush to the bar. On his way, he called for a rescue patrol team, but it arrived late to arrest him, DCOP Addo Danquah said.

However, another police officer at the bar helped his colleague from Kotobabi arrest the suspect.

And then, what happened?

And here is a direct quote from the head of the CID:

"They actually arrested that person, then he started to struggle with the police, so they let him go."

How, I mean how?

"Surprisingly, the people at the bar came to the rescue of the suspect, the police were unarmed and sensed the danger that they left the suspect," said the police chief. security.

How does this statement sound in your ears?

Two policemen went to arrest a suspect in a murder case and we were told that they were not armed.

Misconceptions: –

In his attempt to set the record straight, the CID Boss was shot in the foot.

And I find his explanation quite contradictory and embarrbading. Not only does the narrative of the arrest not seem to match.

First of all, let's break that big word – "arrest".

What's an arrest?

Stop, it is seize (someone) by a legal authority and place him in detention. So, if the police really arrested the suspect, it is more likely that he was handcuffed.

Or he was not?

Unless he (the policeman) went to the pub without handcuffs. Apart from the fact (as we have learned) that the officer of the Kotobabi Police Station was not armed.

So, okay, he did not take the handcuffs too, so how was he going to stop the suspect?

Hear it again:

"It is not correct that the suspect was arrested at the Kotobabi police station and that the police released him on bail, if that is true, we would probably have a bond."

This is very true. The incident did not take place in Kotobabi but in Wembley. And she's right about it. But the problem is this: how did the suspect escape with an arrest?

Does the leader of the CID want us to believe that there were no patriots in Wembley who could have helped the police too?

Remember that Wembley had called the suspect who was trying to leave.

The so-called bail in Kotobabi

How do you get a deposit?

Being released on bail means that one will be able to return home to the audience. It also means that you can accept conditions such as living at a particular address.

In this case, there was no address, so there will certainly be no deposit or bond.

Overall, I think the head of the CID worked well in her presentation, but for the WEMBLEY blues, she badured that investigations were under way, adding that the police were on top.

The CID leader also thanked the audience. She said that they were very supportive and cooperative in information about volunteering.

Interviewees up to now

Tuesday at Wembley, there were 13 key players, which is not your usual game.

And at the top of the list list are the captains —

Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, Member of Parliament, Assin Central and renowned international journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas.

Eleven (11) others were identified and questioned about the death of Ahmed Suale, who was working for the Anas – Tiger Eye Pi investigation cabinet, according to DCOP Addo Danquah.

She also insisted on the non-disclosure of any additional details as investigations are still ongoing.

The background story

On Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 22:05, Ahmed Hussein-Suale was shot down three times on his BMW in Madina, Accra. He was transported to the Pentecost Hospital but his death was pronounced upon his arrival.

Mr. Suale played a major role in Anas' investigative play 12, devoted to corruption in football.

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