Osama bin Laden banned al-Qaeda from trying to assassinate Joe Biden because he believed he would be an incompetent president – Report | General news


Osama bin Laden banned al-Qaeda from assassinating Joe Biden because the Democrat would become an incompetent president and “drag the United States into a crisis” if the jihadists succeed in killing Barack Obama.

Bin Laden made the point in a 2010 letter that was found in a mine of documents in the Pakistani compound where he was killed by US special forces in 2011.

The document was first released to the public in 2012, but has been brought to light and given new meaning amid the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan that handed the country over to the Taliban.

Bin Laden – then al-Qaeda leader and the man America went to kill in Afghanistan – wrote the 48-page missive in May 2010 to an aide identified as “Brother Shaykh Mahmud” real name Atiyah Abd al-Rahman.

There he discusses the need to divert resources from terrorist attacks in other Muslim countries and instead focus on direct attacks against the United States.

On page 36, he describes his desire to form two squads – one in Pakistan and the other in Afghanistan – whose job will be to prepare for attacks against then-US President Barack Obama and the former CIA Director David Petraeus if they travel to either country. .

Giving his reasoning for attacking Obama, he says, “Obama is the leader of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency for the remainder of the term, because that’s the norm there.”

“Biden is absolutely unprepared for this job, which will lead the United States into a crisis.”

He adds: “As for Petraeus, he is the man of the day in this last year of the war, and killing him would change the course of the war.

U.S. intelligence analysts who first disclosed the existence of the document to the Washington Post in 2012 said none of the plots against Obama or Petraeus were realistic or amounted to anything.

But bin Laden’s attack on Biden’s abilities and his warning of an American “crisis” ring truer now than then.

Biden faces growing fury across the world for abandoning the Afghans to their fate – and it emerged yesterday that his administration was warned last month that the Afghan capital would quickly fall to the Taliban after a US withdrawal.

A dozen diplomats sent a confidential dissenting memo to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on July 13, saying the Taliban was rapidly gaining ground and the city was vulnerable to collapse, the Wall Street Journal reported.

On July 8, President Biden said it was “very unlikely” that the Taliban would take control of Afghanistan and denied that there would be chaos in Kabul.

Read the full article …. Dailymail.co.uk >>>

Source: Dailymail.co.uk

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