Our hero of the week is Eden Hazard and her beautiful ass


Who is this week's hero, Johnny?
This week's hero is Chelsea's best player for years (or never) and is the kind of footballer who can brighten even the darkest day. A comet opens the way. The kind of footballer who sees the whole moon while others see only the crescent. With a touch of bright silver, as light as the caress of the breath of a lover. It accelerates powerfully, is surprisingly fast over short distances and, quietly, is built like a 5ft. 8 "wrought iron and horseshoe bollard, making it very hard to hit. A game changer all by himself, he dragged his team almost alone through many games – even several seasons.

In addition to having these stellar football gifts, he really has beautiful eyes and often wears an attractive, somewhat arrogant, somewhat shy expression, like to say, "No, I do not know how I do it no more, although this is not the case "he? "

It looks like one of the best players in the world kissing the floor of his sacred feet in a very discreet way off the pitch.

Now 28, he seems to have played his last game with the Blues after having his best season of goals. talking about a move to Madrid. It will be Edenic dangerthen.

What did they do to deserve that then?
On Wednesday evening, in Baku, he did what Eden does: he separated the opposition. His first was a penalty and oh, what a typical example of his artistic form. The standing stock stays close to the balloon, waiting to see in which direction the goer is going and rolling it to the other side. It takes a lot of self-confidence and courage to have such confidence in your ability to do the job, even after a resounding failure. Normal humans would explode the thing, not make it.

His second goal was more clbadic Hazard. A tight turn with the ball, then a powerful and direct run against the defense, hitting a couple, spreading it off, keeping pace in the penalty area and scoring center at home. Everything looks so smooth and perfect, so irresistible in every way. Clean, fluid, content and yet explosive: mechanical in its ruthless efficiency. You never feel that he is out of control or has no idea what he is doing. It seems to control both the balloon and the space with an incomparable driving force.

The badist for Pedro's second crucial goal showed another facet of his game. By collecting the ball in the center circle, he poses it and sprints away in front of his own player. The ball that he recovers is a bit too fast and long, but with one leg gesture, he flies it in his magnetic feet, takes a second squeeze, eyes raised, constantly aware of it. 39, action that takes place inside, almost dancing around the ball. , not touching him but still controlling him, playing with him like a cat with a mouse. His third contact since his withdrawal in the central circle, 50 meters from goal, is to deliver him on Pedro's foot with perfect timing, allowing him to place it in the goal. Absolutely ruthless and although everything seems so simple, it is a skill of high level and maximum efficiency, the ball doing all the work under its masterful discipline.

In addition, for me, Eden is the player that Joe Cole should have and could have been when he grew up in a different country at another time. I've always thought that they even looked related, perhaps cousins. Joey used to do everything the Belgian had to do when he was 16 or 17 years old. I saw him tearing up teams on his own at this level. He had a vision, a tight control, an acceleration of the pace and the ability to dribble any number of players. Of course, he was much lighter and lacked the bull pride that Hazard carries, but in many other ways they are so similar. The fact that Joe almost finished his 28 years and Eden moved to Madrid at this age largely accounts of the failure of English football culture in previous decades.

To consider Chelsea as a one-man team would be to simplify the situation, but he is undoubtedly their most important player. It seems to be the gas poker in their fire (one for the kids out there); it gives the game an appearance so simple and has as much individual impact as on the collective. The players who make you sit and hold your breath when they receive the ball are rare, but the feeling that you can not look away from Hazard is omnipresent.

Someone grumpy about this?
Arsenal fans must have felt a bit sick when they scored third and fourth, but by that time Chelsea had taken the match by the throat and led them out of the match. That being said, even if you feel sick of having lost, losing against a genie always mitigates the effects. It is impossible not to admire Eden. He is too beautiful.

Chelsea fans obviously do not want to see him leave, but seven seasons spent in the same club are now above-average loyalty and it would be rude to criticize him for pursuing him.

His manager must also be happy to have it turned on, to adapt to his own criticism, it will do him a lot of good. As I wrote in my article on Sarri On Monday, once sections of the English press have opposed you, there is rarely a bow of redemption.

What was the response of the media?
The Daily Mail tops the "Maestro Chelsea to Madrid has a perfect final as he plays the triumph in the Europa League", no doubt delighted that his move means a foreigner less in England.

Matt Law in the Telegraph discusses a bit of grammar badysis: "Hazard used the past to pretend that he and Chelsea had done something extraordinary together."

The Express did not do much with "Chelsea star David Luiz reveals who could replace Eden Hazard after the move from Real Madrid." When did the word "reveal" replace the word "speak"? Boring. Oh, obviously, he does not know it, largely because he does not know – and can not know it.

Football.London gives himself a prison exit card judiciously using the quotes in his title. "Former Chelsea star Cesc Fabregas" confirms "Real Madrid's transfer from Eden Hazard", apparently.

(He does not do it.)

Dominic Fifield, in The Guardian, has the right to express himself correctly: "Chelsea wins the Europa League after Eden Hazard inspired the Arsenal Mbadacre," which is exactly what happened.

Also in The Guardian, Jonathan Wilson's play& # 39; & # 39; Will Maurizio Sarri really leave for Chelsea? & # 39 ;, Is a beautiful dissection of Chelsea Way.

What do people say
If you like football, it's hard not to enjoy it. That being said, he has not always been the apple of the eyes of Chelsea fans. Indeed, it was considered "Iazzard" as a rat or perhaps a bat it was not so long ago.

But among the others, his talents have illuminated many afternoons.

Let's start with a haiku sent by someone:

Slaloms as a point

Hold the team together

Full of speed, spring – craft

Pretty. Now for the rest of you:

"I'm the commentator for Chelsea TV and have seen every game he's played for the club, and learning to talk about him doing incredible things on a football field could be the watermark of my career. He's a genius, charming guy too.

"I often say about big players that if you put a generic figure on them watching them play, you can tell who the player is below. With his tight control dribbling style, you can do it with Hazard. "

"At his best, he is undoubtedly the most enjoyable player to watch in the Premier League – perhaps the second place behind Messi in world football."

'Best big game player in the last five years or so. Shows pretty much every time. Chelsea would have been a ball without him at that time. "

"He's not a fan of Chelsea, but really the only player in the league I would have willingly paid to watch." Chelsea could be in a world of trouble next season. "

'Beautiful player, member of the Belgian generation who really should have won something now. And according to the ad, he likes a brazen cookie or two. "

"Absolute privilege of having it in Chelsea. Mbadive bums, a smirk, incredible magnetic / adhesive feet, seduced a lot of clubs and supporters by deciding very late on the club to which he would belong … there is a lot of love. "

"To go from bright to immortal, he must cut the slight tendency to easily fall to the ground."

"I think it's good."

"I can not wait to never see him playing against Liverpool again."

"Hazard has a unique trait that I rarely find in common players these days, let alone a flair. If you've noticed, he's jostling all the time, but he's almost never fuzzy or showing strong reactions, either by playing or screaming at referees. It just starts with the game. '

"He just seems to like football, always seems to have a smile – I know it's a cliché – but he would certainly play over the park if he had not done it!"

'The best footballer I have ever seen live. His performance in Chelsea's 4-3 victory at Sunderland five years ago was particularly worthy of our decade in which we played a big part in the Premier League. "

'Sublime vision, play as if he was having fun although he was hit more than everyone else. I like the little guy.

"Maybe he was the only player who scared me the light of the day we played at Chelsea. I just knew something was going to happen when he was in and around the box. Very good, good player.

"We often forget that, as has shown (twice) his talk with the Spurs after the match, he is also 100% consistent with the feelings of the Chelsea fans." Another reason why nobody may want him to leave, and all wish him good luck to a man.

"I've been counting how many times I wish I had not left my fantasy team, I'm on 537."

"One of the best players we have ever seen in this country. It has everything a modern attacker needs. Strength, speed, touch, marvelous vision, excellent finish and technique. It's a pity he's leaving this country because it's been a pleasure to watch at times. "

"Hazard is the best player of the Premier League of the decade ahead of Silva because at its peak, he is more deadly, always on the big stage and against a better defense, whether it's Chelsea or Belgium. Coming from a fan of United. '

"He has very wide hips and a big butt."

"One of the best players in Prem. It's great in every interview and has a lot of ambition in a very humble way that does not irritate the fans. Good luck to him.

"Given the recent fees paid to others, 100 million pounds seem very reasonable for him, which is both a credit for him and a disturbing indictment of modern transfer fees."

"A game that sums it up as a player: brilliant enough for only half of what you both think that he is the best player in the world and could be even better."

"Skill, balance, strength and a little cheek. Even if it hurts my team (Spurs) over the years, I will miss the nightmare. "

What does the future hold?
Sad in some ways, he is heading for Real Madrid because, well, is it just me or is it that going to Madrid for a bit of a cliché now? Certainly predictable. And when you see how many players go to one of the two Spanish Primo teams and do not fit the form they had before the move, it can be very far from the top in which it is sold in advance. That being said, he spent seven years in one of the world's most troubled football clubs, playing for six different managers, which happens from time to time for one of these managers to be put on at the door. So, the hysteria that seems to go hand in hand is Madridista will not be new to him.

However, if he wants a new challenge, would it be better to go to Ajax, Dortmund or Atleti and send them back to the European scale? The road to the Madrid gate seems as worn as it was coming out.

The goodbyes he has had in recent days have been a little strange. He's just going to play in Spain, he's not retiring and he's not leaving Earth to play on Uranus. Some comments of "we will miss to watch" seem to suggest that even if every game he plays in Spain will be available on television, bothering to watch them is somehow an effort that is in no way. Perhaps another indication of the narrowness of some English observers. "We" do not lose it because there is no "us", is not it? There is only "we" and there is only one Eden Hazard.

John Nicholson

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