Overview of Key Elements of New York's $ 175.5 Billion Budget Plan


ALBANY, NY – Here's an overview of the key elements of the $ 175.5 billion budget deal announced on Sunday by Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Democrat-controlled New York Legislature:

MANHATTAN TELEPHONE: Vehicles traveling south of 61st Street will receive tolls from 2021 via electronic devices around the borough's central business district. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority of New York City will create a review panel to determine tolls based on time of day and exemptions. The funds will be dedicated solely to modernizing the city's public transit system, as well as revenues from a new transfer tax on Manhattan homes that are selling for more than $ 25 million and a Internet retail sales tax.

MTA REFORMS: Require the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to develop a reorganization plan by June 1 st. Also requires an independent audit, an efficiency review, and public reporting on MTA performance metrics.

PROHIBITION OF PLASTIC BAGS: Prohibits most single-use plastic bags provided by supermarkets and other retailers as of March 1, 2020. Provides counties and cities with the option of charging 5 cents for paper bags.

EDUCATION EXPENDITURES: Increases funding for public education from $ 1 billion to $ 27.9 billion, of which more than $ 700 million goes to the state's poorest school districts. All districts will have to indicate how their funding is allocated to each school in the district.

HEALTH CARE: Increases state spending on Medicaid and other health care programs from $ 700 million to $ 19.6 billion, and codifies the federal Affordable Care Act and Health Care Exchange. the state.

TAX CAPITAL: The 2% cap on local property taxes is permanent. The current provisional law was due to expire next June. Since its implementation in 2012, the tax has saved taxpayers $ 25 billion, according to Cuomo.

REFORM OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE: Eliminates cash bonds for offenses and arrests without violence; requires officers to issue appearance tickets instead of placing someone in custody for low-level crimes; asks prosecutors and defense lawyers to share all prior information and guarantees the right of the accused to a speedy trial.

PUBLIC CAMPAIGN FUNDING: Creates a state commission to put in place a public campaign funding system for Senate and Assembly races, as well as for state-wide offices, with public funds of up to $ 100 million a year. The Commission will present its conclusions in a report scheduled for 1 December.

WATER INFRASTRUCTURE: Provides an additional $ 500 million in clean water infrastructure, in addition to the government's $ 2.5 billion investment.

LIMOUSINE RULES: Increases penalties for the operation of a limo without appropriate state authorization or for violation of transport safety rules; give state police and transport officials the power to seize limousine license plates when vehicles are not in good standing; and allows the state to revoke the registration of limousines that do not meet federal safety standards.

VOTE: Employers across the state will have to offer three hours of paid time off to their workers to vote on polling day. The state will also set aside $ 10 million to help counties finance the deployment of advance polls, which was approved earlier this year.

PRISONS: Up to three prisons will be closed to save $ 35 million, while the state's prison population is shrinking. Institutions will be selected based on their size and role within the correctional system, with the goal of eliminating 1,200 prison beds.

DREAMS ACT: Legislators pbaded legislation earlier this year to make financial aid available to students who were illegally brought into the country as children. The appropriate measure and funds have been included in the budget.

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