Parents of French babies born with angry deformities after an official inquiry give no answer – RT World News


A very delayed government report did not identify the cause of a series of arm malformations in France and, despite calls for further study, scientists believe that a definitive explanation could never be found.

Ordered last year, the 265-page report examined 18 cases of conbad malformations since 2007 in four different regions of the country, seeking to determine whether they were linked by a common cause, such as the pollution of the environment, exposure to toxic substances or genetic damage.

"The screening of scientific studies, questionnaires and tests of the local environment were conducted by Public Health France which has not identified any obvious cause", the public health agency, to which RT had regularly asked questions about the case, said in his summary.

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The commission admitted that there was a "cluster" cases in the commune of Guidel, in the Nord-Ouest department of Morbihan, where three missing babies were born in 22 months. But for the region of Ain, in the east of the country, where eight babies of this type were born between 2009 and 2014, the researchers said that there were no deaths. Statistical anomaly or revealing profile.

The pesticides blamed

But the parents and activists present at the unveiling of the report were not satisfied, with some claiming that only a superficial study had been conducted, that some cases had been excluded due to arbitrary criteria and that the selection criteria for certain cases had been excluded. rejected as a statistical noise has never been explained.

"I did not expect big news, but I am surprised by the removal of" clusters ", it seems outrageous", Samuel Bernard, the father of a girl born without a hand in Morbihan, told France Info.

Bernard complains that he has not set up an independent body and deplores the lack of communication or the search for specific hypotheses.

Emmanuelle Amar, director of the malformation registry of the Rhône-Alpes region, who has contributed to the promotion of history, continues to believe that pesticides or other chemical agents of human origin could be to blame.

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"Exactly the same deformity, it never happened in the history of deformities," she said after the presentation of the report. "The probability that it is related to chance is more than infinitely small. We are facing a possible health scandal. "

It should be noted that the survey revealed that all pregnancies occurred near cereal crops.

"We need to bring together specialists to define the kind of studies we need for this type of report, but the answer so far is to say, 'We do not want to know what kind of studies because we do not want not to study "," Amar said. "And it's irresponsible."

Needle in a haystack

Field trials are expected to continue and another report is expected by the end of the year.
But there is reason to believe that even with the best of intentions and resources, it can be difficult to find answers.

One of the problems is the rarity of such malformations. They occur on average in 1.7 cases every 10,000 births and, although several others seem dramatic, they could still only represent a relatively random phenomenon. Moreover, with so few cases, it gives fewer doctors to the children to examine among which common explanations could be located.

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With most children over the age of several years, evidence of anything that may have affected their mother during pregnancy may be over, especially because researchers do not really know what they are looking for.

Moreover, only 20% of the French population are covered by registers that record deformities, which means that even the actual scale of the problem, or even its existence, is impossible to determine without a redesign of the file system. medical care and the collection of new data. millions.

Isabelle Taymans-Grbadin, mother of another child born in Morbihan without help, says that even if they do not give up their fight, they despair of not having the chance to prove a connection or to punish a guilty person.

"The responsibility will be impossible to find" she says.

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