Parliament calls for 5 changes in law school exams after massive failure


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Parliament is asking the General Legal Council (GLC) to reopen the 2017/2018 exam script marking period so that failed students can take advantage of it.

The Chamber is also calling on the Ghana Schools Act (GSL) to reduce re-branding fees from 3,000 to 500 ¢ so that students can apply for new markings.

These were among the five recommendations made by Parliament's Committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs after it was requested by the Faculty's Council of Student Representatives (SRC).

These recommendations come after the CBC seized Parliament last month after over 80% of students who pbaded last year's exams failed.

Committee Chair Ben Abdallah Banda said in a report to the House that their recommendations were aimed at easing "the huge failures of the new 20017/18 professional law examinations".

As part of its recommendations, the Committee wishes to adopt a day of reflection on off-site marking to ensure a new marking of scripts.

In addition, he wants all the manufacturing programs and the examiner's report to be made available to GLC students and faculty.

In addition, the legislators hope that the IRC "plans to hold an additional examination for all the candidates referred during the 2018 professional law course examination as soon as possible in order to ensure that the successful candidates are registered in one year ".

Mr. Banda stated that the Committee had planned to engage all legal education stakeholders to review the Legal Profession (Amendment) Bill, 2018, tabled in the House and currently before the House of Commons. the committee.

"In this regard, the Committee has already received two GSL speaker proposals aimed at reforming professional legal education in Ghana and would review them with other proposals that may be submitted by other stakeholders.

For his part, Kwabena Owusu Amoah, president of the SRC at GSL, told Joy News that he was generally satisfied with the parliament's recommendations and urged the GLC to adopt them.

"As the leader of the minority said, the GLC should continue its investigation of the merits of the issues and take them into account in its decisions.

"This year, we had an accelerated program and many problems because of the one-year reverse system that was reduced to two years, but some problems persist. We hope that these problems will be solved so that we have a better future for legal education, "he said.

Regarding the comment charges, he said that it would help them a lot, because many students wanted to call to point out but did not have the necessary funds.

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