Parliament summons Vice Chancellor of UEW –


Professor Afful-Broni will answer the deadlock in the university

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Professor Anthony Afful-Broni, Vice Chancellor of the University of Education, Winneba, was convened by the Parliament's Education Committee.

It should address the current stalemate that led to the indefinite closure of the University earlier this month.

The controversy began when, in 2017, the board of governors of the University asked Prof. Mawutor Avoke, then vice-chancellor, to step down.

It was after a Supi Kofi Kwayera, Alexander Afenyo Markin, suspected of constituting a facade for the region, filed a complaint alleging irregularities in the area of ​​finance and procurement.

Shortly after this, the Supreme Court overturned a decision of the High Court of Winneba, which had declared Professor Avoke and another guilty of these financial irregularities and this procurement.

Professor Avoke, who had applied for reinstatement after the Supreme Court decision, was replaced by current Vice Chancellor Professor Anthony Afful-Broni.

The dust seemed to have calmed down until the current vice-chancellor dismissed three speakers deemed to be influential for a variety of reasons, including not cooperating with the press. direction and not to take legal action against the school.

The MP from the region who scrambled with Professor Afful-Broni badured the public that the dismissed lecturers would be reinstated, but the university council contradicted this badertion.

Photo: Students requested reinstatement of their speakers during the event

The Association of University Teachers of Ghana (UTAG) then called for the dismissal of the Vice Chancellor and Chairman of the University Board, Professor Nicholas Abakah, accusing them of wrongly promoting him.

But a group of school teachers calling themselves concerned, dissociates themselves from their national leadership and calls for the resignation of the national president of UTAG, Dr. Eric Opoku Mensah.

The minority of the Ghanaian parliament has just sunk into the storm, calling for the resignation of the vice-chancellor and president of the university council.

The Education Committee in Parliament is not impressed by the exchanges. They asked the vice-chancellor to report back to the committee after a meeting with UTAG leaders on development.

Its president, Siaka Stevens, told Joseph Opoku Gakpo, of Joy News, that the issue was bothering Parliament.

"The ETS issue concerns all Ghanaians and all major stakeholders, including Parliament. Our committee has therefore begun to engage them and the next on the line is the Vice Chancellor.

"We meet separately and the reason is to know exactly the history there so that each recognized body gives its story and after the meeting, we will compile it [a report] present in Parliament, "he said.

Teacher. Afful-Broni should see the committee next week.

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