Participation in local food projects can have a positive effect on health


New study to be published in the Faculty of Public Health Public Health Journal suggests that participation in local food projects can have a positive effect on well-being and psychological health.

Local food is a growing movement and includes initiatives such as allotments, community gardens, community-supported agriculture, farmers' markets and food-buying co-ops. . Consumers are increasingly interested in where their food comes from. Retail sales of local products have increased significantly over the past decade, as well as participation in farmers' markets, community-supported agriculture programs and purchasing cooperatives.

The research explored the physical health benefits of food culture, but has not yet systematically explored how local food projects can affect psychological well-being. Mental illness represents a growing global public health crisis. In the United Kingdom, mental health accounts for 28% of the total financial cost of health care. Psychological well-being generates significant benefits for individuals and societies, including good health, longevity, better personal relationships, better productivity, and civic engagement.

With the help of an online survey, researchers compared participants from local food initiatives in three English counties – Esbad, Norfolk and Suffolk – with members of the general public. They found that those who participated in local food initiatives had better results in terms of standardized welfare measures than those who did not participate. They also explored why this might be the case, by examining four different mediators known to influence well-being: the connection with nature, the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, better diets and physical activity. Finally, they explored how different types of participation – such as longer durations or more active roles – influence well-being.

These results are encouraging for those of us who are studying the interactions between sustainability and well – being. They show that we should be looking more seriously at projects such as allotment gardens, community gardens, community-supported agriculture and farmers' markets, which can bring people together, improve diets, improve links with nature and help them learn new things. All of these elements contribute to improving mental health, which is one of the most important public health problems of our time. At the same time, they help lay the foundation for a truly sustainable food system, which is also fundamental to the well-being of people and the planet. "

Zareen Bharucha, Senior Researcher of the Study


Oxford University Press USA

Journal reference:

Bharucha, Z.P. et al. (2019) Participation in local food projects is badociated with better psychological well-being: evidence from East of England. Public Health Journal.

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