Paul Heyman discusses scripting promises, how he and Brock Lesnar kept his return from MITB a surprise


– Paul Heyman recently spoke with Yahoo Sports to explain how he plays the promos for which he is famous, as well as his relationship with Brock Lesnar.

He explained that his approach to promos is relatively simple, that he simply needs to know where this is going to end.

"I always know how I finish [when I prepare and cut a promo]. I know what I mean – the grand arrival – how will I reach it and what is the turning point that brings me home. "

He also mentions the inspiration of his father, who worked as a lawyer.

"Making a promo is like growing up and going to see my dad, a personal injury attorney, playing in juries. That's where the name comes from, because my father was a defender. I watched my father defend the file and that's what I'm trying to do in terms of promotions, I'm trying to defend him. "

He then explained that the relations between him and Lesnar on the screen are very authentic and that their dynamics rests on their ability to be brutally honest with each other.

"The respect, admiration and honesty between Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are 100% authentic. We are great business partners, badociates and friends of choice because we are fiercely honest with each other, without punch or sensitivity, with an uninhibited approach to business and friendship, in which we can all say as long as he is sincere. "

He added that he did not imagine having the same level of openness with someone of Brock's stature.

"This has always been the path between us since the first day we met. I can not imagine having this degree of transparency with anyone of Brock's stature and I do not know if he can rely on this openness on the part of anyone except the person who has accompanied him since the day he made his WWE television debut. "

He concluded by mentioning the surprise entry of Lesnar and his victory in the match of the team titled Money In The Bank, stressing how easy it is to keep the secret with Lesnar.

"It's never difficult to create a surprise with Brock Lesnar, because we know how to keep the circle very tight. We managed, not a single person to understand that, not a single person offering an online spoiler or elsewhere, and we once again demonstrated that Brock Lesnar knew how to make headlines better than anyone else in the WWE, the entertainment sports or mixed martial arts.

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