Pay employees on maternity leave from their pension contributions – A H / R adviser suggests to the government


General News of Friday, May 24, 2019



Umb Hr Akwelley Bulley (2nd from left), Director of Human Resources, UMB Bank

Rose Kakari-Annan, head of industrial relations, suggested that the government allow businesses and small and medium-sized businesses to use part of their employees' pension contributions to pay for their maternity leave.

She argued that some of these organizations were unable to pay their employees when they were on maternity leave due to financial constraints, noting that the suggestion, once adopted in Ghana, would help women save their jobs. , reduce the cost of maternity leave on employers and motivate women to have children after being employed.

Ms. Kakari-Annan, Vice President of the National Labor National Association, participated in a two-day conference in Accra for women professionals in Human Resources in Accra to discuss ways to improve Their Career Prospects and Advancement in the World of Business Commission (NLC) and an expert in human resources, argued that some organizations were unable to pay their employees when they were going on maternity leave , because of financial constraints.

According to Ghanaian labor legislation, a worker, on production of a medical certificate issued by a doctor or midwife indicating the expected date of her delivery, is entitled to maternity leave of at least 12 weeks, in addition to any later period. annual leave to which she is entitled after her period of detention.

Advanced countries

She explained that this policy, practiced in advanced countries, did not oblige employers to pay workers on maternity leave, but instead allowed people to use their social security benefits to cover maternity leave.

The two-day conference was organized by the Ghana Employers' Association (GEA) on the theme "Women in Human Resources and the Future of Work".

The meeting brought together human resource women from different sectors of the country's business and public sectors to create a platform for them to share their experiences and practices to help them improve their profession.

Ms. Kakari-Annan said that a number of young women had lost the opportunity to find a job with the excuse of their prospective employer to become pregnant and take a leave that could financially affect the family. # 39; company.

Strategic workforce

Ms. Kakari-Annan also urged human resource practitioners to be more badytical, strategic and innovative in the era of technology and electronic systems in order to remain relevant in their field.

She said the profession, which now has many women, has gone from "pushing papers" to being part of the leadership of organizations to providing strategic direction.

She emphasized the need for human resource practitioners to specialize in areas of their business to enable them to better understand operations and provide the necessary expertise and strategies, and she called women's resources human beings to show compbadion and to get rid of unfulfilled policies. to favor women, particularly with regard to maternity and nursing mothers.

GEA Executive Director Alex Frimpong said the human resources profession had moved from a male-dominated area to a women's area, recalling that some women in human resources had already been attacked in the past. during their work.

Manifestation of professionalism

However, he added, women have demonstrated over the years their professionalism, empathy and competence in the profession, thus contributing to the creation of their quota in their respective businesses.

The annual conference, he said, was aimed at bringing together women in the profession to network and discuss ways to stay relevant in the changing world.

He said the workplace is changing as technology progressively eliminates the human element in the world of work. He urged practitioners to take a keen interest in their work to better understand their activities and provide management advice.

"Avoid the culture of law and work hard to provide pragmatic solutions to your organizations. Avoid competitions and collaborate with other colleagues to get the best results, "he urged.

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