Pearson Commits $ 50 Million to Next Generation Edtech Startups – TechCrunch


Pearson, The British educational conglomerate has earmarked $ 50 million to help finance A and B series for start-ups in the education sector, including training camps, badessment and validation platforms skills, learning tools and augmented reality technology.

"Because education will be very different in 2030, Pearson, like learners around the world, will have to continue learning, adapting and reinventing itself: finding new business models, incorporating emerging technologies into its products. and services and collaborate with educational institutions, government and business, "the company said in a statement announcing the creation of Pearson Ventures.

In order to keep up with changing emerging technologies and the future of education, Pearson Ventures will support up to five companies a year over the next three years. Pearson's portfolio manager, Owen Henkel, told TechCrunch that the team will not lead a tour, buy major startups, or dictate terms. Pearson Ventures will only co-invest alongside experienced institutional investors.

Henkel adds that Pearson Ventures will not operate as an acquisition pipeline.

"The only reason it's worth it that Pearson has spent his time, is if we can learn important things about the markets that are important to us," Henkel told TechCrunch. "It's about keeping Pearson in the relevant markets and verticals. If we do not know the space, we will not know where he is going. "

Pearson will look for potential investments around the world. In addition to providing capital, he will connect his portfolio companies and internal experts with content, product design, business development and market expansion. Pearson Ventures is the latest version of the Pearson Affordable Learning Fund, which has already invested $ 20 million in equity investments in various companies in the education sector.

"For us, it's learning, not putting our flag in something we want to buy later," Henkel said. "We are really intentional in explaining why we are a good startup partner and why you want to join your team."

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