Persistent symptoms of Lyme disease


According to a study by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, a potent blend of essential oils from various herbs and herbs could help eliminate the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, published in the journal Antibiotics .

Essential oils have been recognized to help relieve the lingering symptoms of Lyme disease despite the use of standard antibiotic treatments, which is good news because most antibiotics are related to side effects such as fatigue , diarrhea, rashes, fever and pain.

Laboratory tests on 35 essential oils were performed in laboratory cuvettes, which revealed that 10 of them had potent killing activity, more effective than conventional antibiotics against persistent, slow-growing, slow growth of the bacterium of Lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferi.

In the United States, there are at least 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year. Standard treatment with doxycycline or another antibiotic may take several weeks to clear the infection and treat the symptoms, and 10 to 20% of patients report persistent symptoms of joint pain or fatigue, such cases of PTLDS may last for a long time. months or even years.

The causes of the persistent syndrome have not yet been determined, the data suggest that cultures of B. burgdorferi can enter a stationary phase in which the majority of cells divide slowly or not at all, the persistent cells getting dormant or slowly dividing that can form naturally despite lack of nutrients or stress conditions.

Persister cells are also more resistant to antibiotics, prompting researchers to find alternative treatments that kill bacteria. If successful research, the compounds tested can be used to treat the persistent symptoms of Lyme disease.

It has been proven that cinnamon, lemongrbad, oregano, wintergreen and clove bud essential oils destroy stationary phase Lyme bacteria in laboratory studies in 2017; these oils were found to be more potent than daptomycin, which is one of the most effective medications among treatments.

In this study, laboratory dish tests were expanded to include 35 other essential oils. The results reduced the list of potentials to 10 oils possessing potent kill activity against stationary phase Lyne bacteria cultures at a concentration of only 1 part per 1000. Five oils at this concentration derived from garlic bulbs, of may chang, myrrh trees, enriched ginger lily blossoms and allspice berries managed to kill all stationary phase lyme bacteria in culture dishes within 7 days; after 21 days, no bacteria has developed after the use of these oils. Cinnamaldehyde, amyris wood, thyme leaves, cumin seeds and lemon eucalyptus oils also performed well.

Dr. Ying Zhang and his colleagues want to continue their initial research to continue research on essential oils by testing live animals, such as rodent models of persistent Lyme infections. If these studies succeed, they are effective and safe. proceed with the initial human tests.

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