[PHOTOS] 'Game of Thrones' Season 8: Who survived the final?


When you play Game of thronesyou win or die – and many of the characters have learned this lesson in the last eight seasons of the series.

But considering the propensity of the drama to kill the main actors (often creatively and brutally), we were actually expecting a higher number of bodies like The Thrones closed in his last hour. Frankly, we were a little shocked that the remaining children of Stark managed to get out alive. And those secondary characters whose bows seemed to have followed their course of season 8? We badumed that they were goners, for sure. (Looking at you, Ser Brienne!)

Before The Thrones"Last season, the TVLine team prepared for the worst and prepared obituaries for 36 characters, major and minor. Valar morghulis and all that, right? In the end, however, we only published 16 of these monuments, including tributes to Daenerys Targaryen, twins Lannister Jaime and Cersei and, yes, even to the king of the night.

Now that our watch is over, we would also like to honor the characters who survived the series. They may not have died at the hands of a warrior or a pile of rubble from King's Landing, but their achievements deserve to be recognized in the same way.

Without further ado, scroll through the attached gallery – or click here for direct access – to see the praise would have gave Arya, Tyrion and more than a dozen others, then leave a comment and tell us: which survival character surprised you the most?

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