Photos: The 2019 edition of Roverman starts successfully with "Dora Why?"


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The success of "Dora Why?", Roverman Productions' first play in 2019 only confirms that the production house is one of the best things in the creative arts sector in Ghana.

The play, which aired Saturday at the National Theater, saw the 'Sowahs' trying to untie the knots surrounding a strange letter from Dora, the wife of Sowah's business partner, who has been dead for 30 years.

Dora Why

The letter said:Good evening Thomas and Mabel. Today marks the 30th anniversary of my death. It's to keep my memory alive. Please do not forget me. Signed, Dora.

They use the services of Jude, a security expert, to know if the ticket is a cruel joke or Dora.

Dora Why

The audience eagerly follows as the secrets of the Reverend, Mrs. Sowah and their daughter Aubrey attempt to hide.

The search for truth strikes everyone, including Aubrey's relationship with Jude.

Dora Why

Although the piece is a live performance without action or break, Uncle Ebo Whyte, owner of Roverman Productions, uses the idle flashback technique (usually in movies) that has earned them public applause.

The audience could not help falling in love with the artistic talent of the production house and the level of expertise of the actors on stage.

As intense as this letter of the deceased may be, Roverman has not forgotten to add one of their special spices, comedy. The audience was also able to enjoy a variety of music.

Dora Why

Thomas Sowah was played by Kakra Ankobiah, Mabel of singer Yaa Yaa, Audrey of Daniella Adu Asare, Jude was played by Andrew Adote and Effie Nkrumah performed "Dora".

Because Uncle Ebo Whyte and his team were able to give back magnificent performances, the audience filled the National Theater to the brim, just to witness another great work of art. Roverman's art.

Dora Why

"Dora Why?" Is one of the pieces that address the theme of forgiveness.

According to Uncle Ebo Whyte, he believes that forgiveness is one of the messages that Ghanaians must hear more than ever.

"Politics has divided us, religion has divided us, even sport divides us and, in this kind of atmosphere, people tend to resort to neutrality measures. A party comes to power and acts against alleged supporters of the previous government.

"Then things turn out well and the new government feels empowered to avenge the treatment inflicted on its supporters by its predecessors and a vicious circle is created," he said.

According to him, people seem to forget that it is very easy to destroy a nation with a word or action: "Rome was not built in a day, say, but Rome was destroyed in a day . I hope that the message of forgiveness will sound beyond the theater and will spread to all corners of Ghana and the world. "

On Twitter, a user, Abdul Salam, wrote:My wife and I enjoyed the show yesterday. Lesson learned: Do not let fear lead you. Let love, hope and knowledge be your engines. "

Dora Why

The send-off of 2019 with 'Dora Why?' Only shows that Uncle Ebo Whyte has even more wonderful stories to tell.

If you missed "Dora Why?" On April 6 and 7, it will be played again on April 22, Easter Monday, at the National Theater.

Dora Why

See more pictures below:

Dora Why

Dora Why

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Dora Why

Dora Why

Dora Why

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Dora Why

Dora Why

Dora Why

Dora Why

Dora Why

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