PNC confirms the NDC claim; new voters register has not been discussed at IPAC


Deputy Commissioner Bossman Asare said IPAC said the issue of the new register was raised at the IPAC meeting during the discussion of the upcoming district level elections. .

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The National People's Convention (PNC) confirmed that the creation of a new voter register for the 2020 general elections had not been discussed at the last Party-to-Party Consultative Meeting (IPAC).

According to Desmond Twumasi, the national organizer of the PNC, who represented his party at the IPAC meeting on Wednesday, the decision to establish a new register was only mentioned by the president of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa.


Mr. Twum emphasized that the decision was made solely by the EC without soliciting the contribution of political parties.

"The EC can not say that it will do something without discussing it with key stakeholders [parties], Said the PNC organizer to Evans Mensah in Joy FM's Top Story Thursday.

In a statement issued Wednesday by the President of the EC, the EC said the decision to establish a new register had been taken following a stakeholder meeting organized under the auspices of the EC. IPAC earlier in the day.

Read also: The EC must establish a new register of voters for the 2020 elections

In a statement issued Thursday and signed by its secretary general, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, the main opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), said: "No decision has been made on this matter" .

Read also: NDC denounces the "new register of voters" in the communique of the EC

Although the PNC is not opposed to creating a new register for the next general election in 2020, Mr. Twumasi insisted that "the right thing to do is to do" by involving stakeholders before making an announcement.


Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, the NDC's chief electoral officer, questioned the basis of the EC's decision to create a new register, while saying that the opposition party would not oppose its decision.

Afriyie Ankrah said the EC should act in a way that builds confidence in the electoral process.

"The very essence of the process is to trust the whole process," he added.

Therefore, the EC should "deposit it [the compilation of new register] properly so we can discuss it and look at the ramifications and [then] we go out with a statement. "

"It's the right thing to do," he said.


Dr Bossman Asare, Deputy Commissioner for Finance and Administration, defended the EC's decision by stating that, although the President made this statement in pbading, it was part of the main program of the day, which related to the next elections at the district level. .

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According to him, the decision is consistent with the practice that has existed since 1992, according to which the list of electors is changed after being used twice.

"Therefore, when you approach the issue from this perspective, the Commission realized that something had to be done. [to the register]Explains Dr. Asare.

However, the Deputy Commissioner noted that, despite their useful role in the country's democratic process, CIIP is only an advisory body and should be considered as such.

"If, in the Commission, we are convinced that the registry is a problem, we will go ahead and act accordingly. That's why we're here, "said Dr. Bossman," some of the very critical things can be for their information (IPAC). "

Listen Dr. Bossman Asare in the attached audio:

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