PNC prepares its congress | Policy


The National People's Congress (PNC) has set up a team of 15 people to prepare the party congress ahead of next year's presidential and parliamentary polls.

The committee has a former MP, David Apasera and Cycil Rhodes, respectively president and secretary. The committee members were instructed to complete their work so that the congress could be held in May next year, the Daily Guide told an internal source at the party.

Unless unforeseen events occur, the National Executive Committee of the party will meet on Saturday, July 13, 2019 to deliberate on the relevant points of the next convention.

The PNC, which once boasted four MPs, has none today.

Whether 74-year-old Dr. Edward Mahama tries again or again to play the presidency of the party is a subject of speculation inside and outside the party.

It seems that David Apasera and Henry Haruna Asante, both party members, did not want to challenge the position of president.

A party whose sources of funding are exhausted will not find the task easier, because congresses, in particular, are very expensive in money.

Previously, the party could rely on the largesse of another political group to obtain such funding.

The party's executive elections could be held in the Western Region, just as the presidency will be held in the Eastern Region.

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