Police arrest 396 suspected criminals; intercepts 793 motorcycles


The Ashanti Regional Police Command has confirmed the arrest of more than 300 suspected criminals after incursions by various police divisions in the region.

Earlier this year, the Command oversaw several operations in hiding places of criminals to ensure their arrest and prosecution.

Thanks to these operations, more than 500 people were apprehended with the culprits brought to justice to face sanctions.

While others were remanded in custody, some were released on bail for police investigation and occasionally had to report themselves.

Continuing efforts to tackle crime in September, the Ashanti Regional Police Command said it had arrested 396 suspected criminals in the past 14 days.

“Between September 14 and 28, the command decided to continue this exercise and even today we have been able to arrest 396 suspects aged between 17 and 55 years. They assist us in our investigations. They were rounded up in several roundups within the region’s 15 police divisions, ”ASP Godwin Ahianyo, PRO for the Ashanti Regional Police Command, told Citi FM on Tuesday evening.

According to him, the police in the Ashanti region subsequently intercepted more than 700 motorcycles.

ASP Godwin Ahianyo explains that the focus on motorcycles has become necessary to combat theft in particular.

“We were able to intercept 793 motorcycles. They are in our custody and what we are going to do now is ask the owners to produce their documents covering the motorcycles for inspection and verification. We are doing it just to ensure that our determination to reduce crime in the region is minimized, ”added the PRO of the Ashanti Regional Police Command.

Meanwhile, the general public is encouraged to provide any information that will help the police arrest criminals as they step up their efforts to keep everyone safe.

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