Police arrest 4 officers who assaulted Tamale residents for illegal connection


According to sources at JoyNews, four police officers who assaulted Tamale residents over illegal electrical connections have been arrested.

Security officers mistreated victims in areas such as Zujung, Lamashegu and Nakpan Zou in the northern regional capital on Monday, September 20.

Sources within the regional command said the directive was issued by headquarters as investigations began.

However, the command is expected to issue an official statement announcing the action.

The Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCo) had visited these areas to embark on inspecting those who illegally use electricity.

But the situation worsened when some of the residents were whipped in the process by police.

A victim who pleaded for anonymity said he was holding his phone and police accused him of trying to call someone for the reason that they started whipping him.

Police arrest 4 officers who assaulted Tamale residents for illegal connection

He said that even though he said he was not calling anyone, they continued to whip him.

Others say they were handcuffed while another was detained. The viral video of the assault was widely condemned by the general public with calls for the police hierarchy to intervene.

Residents want the police to investigate the case and bring in the police officers involved in the assault.

When contacted by NEDCo’s public relations manager, Maxwell Kotoka told JoyNews that his company had opened investigations into the matter. He said that NEDCo as a brand is concerned because it was through its operation that the assault occurred.

Mr Kotoka added that they could not comment further until they made sure what exactly happened.

During this time,

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