Police on the hunt for the man for baby thief


Crime & Punishment of Saturday, June 15, 2019

Source: 3news.com


police3 Reports indicate the suspect was keeping his mother during his fiancée's visit

A seven-month-old girl was abducted by a 19-year-old suspect in Asuboi-Bonka, eastern region.

Police said that the case was officially reported to them on Thursday, June 13th, when it had happened the night before.

Earlier in the evening, around 5:30 pm, Abena Priscilla took the baby away and has not come back since.

She is a fiancee of Maxwell Agyeman, whose sister is the mother of the kidnapped baby.

3news.com gathers the suspect was babysitting for his mother during a visit to his fiancee.

She left the house to go to town on the pretext of buying food even though the baby's mother was preparing it at home.

After a while, when she did not come back, the baby's mother had to call her brother to ask Abena Priscilla, the girlfriend, to bring her back.

But all efforts have been in vain.

Police investigations reveal that about a month ago, the suspect Abena Priscilla talked with her boyfriend about how she could replace her stolen baby so she could visit her father.

Maxwell would have promised Abena Priscilla to invite him to stay with him for a while.

He is currently in custody as part of the investigation.

The Eastern Region Police Command is making frantic efforts to arrest the suspect.

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