Police schools on kidnappings | General news


The Accra Regional Police Command has launched an educational program on the activities of the kidnappers for high school students.

Students are trained in the techniques used by the kidnappers to remove their victims.

This follows the increase in the number of abduction cases recently recorded in Ghana.

At Girls High School Wesley Accra, near Kaneshie, Regional Command Public Relations Officer, DSP Effia Tenge, told students how they could protect themselves in case of kidnapping.

She said that the police administration was worried about the threat presented by the education campaign.

"The purpose of the campaign is to provide students with all the information they need about the kidnappings and tips used by the kidnappers so that they are not overwhelmed by the events."

In addition, she said, "We use theater to send the message because we want to make it practical and easy to understand and memorize."

DSP Tenge said the police were targeting young people with information because they would be properly armed to escape all kidnappings and would also share this information with their parents.
She urged students to use social media with caution.

She urged students to schedule meetings with people they met for the first time in a public place and in the company of people in order to avoid being kidnapped.

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