Police still perceived as the most corrupt in Ghana – Report


General News of Thursday, July 11, 2019

Source: citinewsroom.com


Ghana Police Record S The Ghana Police Service

Ghanaians still believe that the police service is the most corrupt institution in Ghana, according to the 2019 Global Corruption Barometer.

The report notes that 59% of Ghanaians are of this opinion, with judges and magistrates considered the second most corrupt institution by 38% of Ghanaians.

The survey was conducted by Afrobarometer in 34 countries and covered 47,105 adults between 2016 and 2018.

Non-governmental organizations and religious leaders came out of the poll with greater credibility, since 14% and 17% of Ghanaians respectively consider them corrupt.

Among the top ten institutions surveyed (police, judges and magistrates), Ghanaians feel less corrupt in the past four years.

Police, for example, were considered corrupt by 64% of Ghanaians in 2015.

Sixty per cent of Ghanaians believe that the Akufo-Addo government is effectively fighting corruption, a huge jump from four years ago, when only 25 percent of Ghanaians believed the government was fighting corruption effectively.

Thirty-three percent of Ghanaians believe that corruption has increased in the last 12 months, while 36% say corruption has decreased in the last 12 months.

The report was released Thursday by the Ghana Integrity Initiative, where it urged the government to provide adequate resources to key anti-corruption institutions.

"A monitoring framework needs to be put in place and enforced to ensure that these institutions live up to expectations," said Mary Addah, GII Program Manager Mary Addah.

"We recommend that the state step up its efforts to educate citizens about the whistleblowing law. Civil society is doing its best, but we should consider that the state is doing a lot of education, "she added.

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