Poor government investment in science is not enough – Alliance for Science


General News on Friday, May 31, 2019

Source: Myjoyonline.com


Alliance for science protests Ed Alliance for Science wants the government to pay more attention to science

The Alliance for Science (AfS) has charged the government to pay more attention to science in the country by allocating more resources to it.

According to the Alliance, while they are enthusiastic about tripling investment in scientific research, which currently accounts for 0.3% of gross domestic product (GDP) at 1%, we could do more.

In a statement Friday that was signed by the AFS executive member, Reuben Quainoo, said that after the recent protest in Tamale, the positive signs are encouraging, but Oliver Twist is asking for more.

"We are excited to see that someone at least pays attention. But there is still a lot to do. The African Union recommends its members to strive to invest at least 1% of its GDP in science. That seems to be what the government is aiming for, "he said in a statement.

Below the statement

The government's decision to increase investment to 1% in science is not ambitious

We are delighted to read that the government has decided to triple investment in scientific research, which was to rise from 0.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) to 1 percent, as announced by Prime Minister Osafo Maafo.

We are pleased that the government has recognized the direct correlation between development and investment in science.

This was the central theme of our recent Walk for Science event in Tamale, during which hundreds of science enthusiasts took to the streets to ask the government to increase investment in scientific research to at least 5 % of GDP.

We are delighted to see that someone at least pays attention.

But there is still a lot to do. The African Union recommends its members to strive to invest at least 1% of its GDP in science. That seems to be what the government is aiming for.

However, the UN recommends that countries invest at least 3.5% of their GDP in scientific research. But we think that is not enough.

Ghana, with all the challenges we face, should aim to invest at least 5% of its GDP in scientific research if we really want to transform the country. The current 0.3% is appalling and the 1% target is not ambitious. The government should be bold enough to aim for the 5% mark.

Our country has made substantial progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but up to 10% of Ghanaians still live in extreme poverty. In northern Ghana, up to 30% of children under five suffer from stunting or chronic malnutrition.

Our cities are flooding every year, resulting in the death and destruction of properties. These challenges can only be solved effectively if we give priority to science and technology, as did Singapore, Rwanda, China and several other countries. No government policy including "Ghana Beyond Aid" will succeed without science.

But more importantly, with respect to the current promise, the government should speak openly and not go back to sleep after the minister's announcement.

It is good to know that the cabinet has approved the increase, but the approval process for this policy by Parliament should be accelerated so that our scientists can get to work.

It is unfortunate that the CSIR continues to rely almost exclusively on donor funding for research. We want to see more action and less discussion.

Thank you
Reuben Quainoo

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