Poor nutrition related to cancer: study


Category: Health published by Shameen Published on: May 28, 2019, 1:03 pm EST Update: May 28, 2019, 1:03 pm EST

Washington: A poor diet can have more impact on your health than you thought because a recent study says that a poor diet can lead to a number of health problems, including cancer.

According to a study published in the journal "JNCI Cancer Spectrum", more than 80,000 cases of cancer in some parts of the world were related to a poor diet, about 5%.

The study, conducted by the Friedman School of Science and Policy Nutrition in Tufts, badyzed the 2015 adult cancer diagnoses, as well as data from two national surveys of the American diet, to determine the number of cases related to a poor diet, including vegetables. fruits, whole grains and high sugar processed, sweet drinks and red meats.

The results are comparable to the number of cancer cases related to alcohol consumption, which is between 4 and 6%. Excess weight is related to 7 to 8% of cases and lack of physical activity to 2 to 3%.

"Our findings highlight the possibility of reducing the burden of cancer and disparities in the United States by improving food consumption," said study author, Fang Zhang, and a researcher in oncology and cancer. in nutrition.

Of all types of cancer, colorectal cancer had the highest badociation with poor diet. About 38% or 52,000 cases of colorectal cancer diagnosed in 2015 were related to poor consumption. This compares to approximately 14,400 cases of oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer, 3,165 uterine cancer cases and 3,060 postmenopausal bad cancer cases.

The authors of the study, who proposed placing government-sponsored warning labels on red meats and other cancer-related foods, said our findings called for nutrition policies to reduce the burden of cancer. .

Source: ANI

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