Poor oral health affects children's self-esteem and academic performance – Survey


Health News on Friday, March 22, 2019

Source: Ogilvy Ghana


Dr. Paapa Pupulampu Dr. Paapa Puplampu, Vice President, Ghana Dental Association

Poor oral health damages not only children's teeth, but also their self-esteem and performance in school, according to a Pepsodent-commissioned global study, the first of its kind.

The report, released before World Oral Health Day on March 20, shows that the quality of a child's oral care can have an impact beyond obvious medical problems such as bad breath and pain. dental; it can also limit their potential and have a negative impact on their self-esteem.

The study in eight countries, including Ghana, indicates that the quality of a child's oral care has repercussions that go far beyond health; this limits the potential of a child.

Parents and children say that brushing their teeth is their most important daily routine, but in reality, some parents "reward" their children by not brushing their teeth every night, which has measurable consequences and drama about oral health and academic achievement.

Dental caries is the most common disease in the world according to the World Health Organization; The study shows that the majority of children worldwide have experienced oral pain in the past year, with one-third of them reporting that the pain was moderate to severe.

Children who receive good oral care not only suffer less pain, but are also more likely to have high self-esteem and to have educational and social benefits. In contrast, people with poor oral health care are more likely to have low self-esteem (49% vs. 32% of those with good oral health); their lack of self-confidence and lower self-esteem affect how they feel and behave in different ways. From clbadroom participation to creating friends, the Pepsodent Global Study reveals that children who do not take care of their teeth have more and more problems in every aspect of their lives.

In Ghana specifically:


• 3 out of 10 children (29%) missed school because of oral pain over the last year – equivalent to 3 million children.

• 37% of children who had oral pain in the past 12 months did not participate in a school activity because of their teeth (compared to 19% of those who did not). have no oral pain)

• Nearly one-quarter (24%) of children who experienced oral pain in the last 12 months did not raise their hands in clbad or ask for help because they felt bad about their teeth ( against 13% among those who have no oral pain).


• Children who have experienced pain in the last 12 months are more likely to avoid socializing with their peers because of their teeth (32% versus 20% of those who did not have oral pain).

Loss of teeth is a natural part of growth, but oral pain related to cavities and tooth decay is not. It is clear that current oral health messages – which focus only on health effects – are not working: Dr. Paapa Puplampu, Vice President of the Ghana Dental Association, says: "Ultimately We can now prove the impact of oral health care on self esteem globally. These up-to-date and more compelling messages could lead to real change in prevention behavior, reducing the current alarming levels of tooth decay and oral pain. "

While most of the children interviewed – and their parents – reported brushing twice a day, it was revealed that 3 out of 10 parents occasionally allowed their child not to brush at night, which was directly related to an increased incidence of oral pain. (67% versus 57% among those whose parents did not let them go). Some even propose to pbad the brush as a "reward".

Patience Oforiwa Mpereh, head of the Oralcare category, said Unilever brands have been working on prevention for 25 years, through free dental exams and school programs, to spread outstanding oral health in the whole world and release as many smiles as possible. .

"Until now, they have protected 80 million smiles in the world. In addition to the work of a whole year, on World Oral Health Day, we reinforce these messages by organizing events in schools in many markets. With this report, Unilever hopes to help change the debate around oral health education around the world to inspire the changes that are driving today's future, "added Mpereh.

Unilever's oral health training covers the following areas:

• Brush twice a day, never skipping brushing in bed, which is crucial for prevention: adopt brushing for oneself and not just for others

• Integrate prevention of care from an early age, avoiding visiting a dentist only when problems are already present, making it an inevitable traumatic experience

• Turning strictly from health concerns to taking into account the effect of pain on children's self-esteem and their potential to succeed in school, socialize and socialize. flourish.

For more information on the effects of poor oral health on the potential of children, as well as on the conclusions regarding the importance of brushing teeth twice a day and regular visits at the dentist, as well as on the comments of pediatric dentists and academics, please visit www.pepsodent.com where you will be able to download the report. To learn more about Pepsodent's social mission to improve oral health care around the world, visit www.smile.com.

* The survey was conducted with children aged 6 to 17 and their parents in eight markets: Chile, Egypt, France, Italy, Indonesia, United States, Ghana and Vietnam. There was a total of 4000 respondents (500 from each market).

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