Possible exposure to measles at the Montreal Hospital in late March


Getty images After confirmation of a case of measles in Ottawa, the Renfrew District Health Unit provides information on how parents can view their children's immunization records.

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MONTREAL – A Montreal hospital warns its patients and employees of possible exposure to measles after the discovery of the virus by one of its workers.

According to the McGill University Health Center, the employee worked on his Glen site during the contagion period, from March 23 to 27.

Marie-Astrid Lefebvre, infectious disease specialist, said the employee had limited contact with patients and other workers and there was currently no evidence of the spread of the virus.

But because measles is spread by air or direct contact, the hospital contacts everyone in the same location as the employee during their shifts.

Other cases of measles have been confirmed in Canada in recent weeks, including at least two in Ontario and 23 in British Columbia.

Symptoms of measles include fever, cough, runny nose, red and watery eyes and tiny white spots in the mouth, followed two to four days later by a rash that starts on the face and spreads to the body, arms and legs.

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