Pound workouts will thrill your body and mind


The clbad includes drills, cardio and weight training. Add yoga and Pilates and you get a jam session that cradles your body and mind.

Instructors do not just play music during training. Participants – who call themselves Pound Posse – help create the tunes with heavy rods called Ripstix.

"They mimic a standard 5B wand," said KaToya Sumner, an Atlanta-based Pound instructor. "Having that intensity in your arms will add a little more to the workout."

Instructors say that participants use Ripstix to record 15,000 beats during a 45-minute session, usually without even realizing it. For some people, this results in 900 calories burned.

But the hard workouts do not just beat the heart. They also stimulate the brain.

"Turning at a certain pace, especially in sync with other people, connects many areas of the brain," said Dr. David Burke, professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University's Faculty of Medicine. Emory.

The New York Academy of Sciences found that music training improves the verbal and visual memory of older people. Researchers at the Université de Montréal discovered that musicians had faster auditory and tactile reaction times.

For Sumner, the proof is in the exhausted smiles of his students after each exhilarating clbad.

"What's great about Pound is that it's for all ages and all stages," she said. "It is easily modified and you can work at your own pace."

It's intense. It's funny. And, according to Burke, this is paramount.

"If you connect with percussion or music and use this very primitive system to improve other parts of the brain, you are on something."

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