Predator co-writer was not happy with the final film and talks about creative differences


The co-writer of the movie Shane Black 2018 The predator talked about the creative problems that affected the film and left him dissatisfied with the results. Fred Dekker told Moviefone about the film's production and the behind-the-scenes issues that led him and Black to be completely unhappy with the published version. The highlights are below:

On the plot points that they wanted to explore: "We had developed a sequence, which I had entrusted to my idea, that our heroes had to go from point A to point B and that they were requisitioning a military convoy. . And at this stage of the film, we had set up a pair of emissaries of predators, good predators. What was interesting for Shane and me was to ask a question that nobody makes fun of, namely, what do predators do except for hunting? Because they invented the interstellar spacecraft. So, they are not stupid. It's not just rednecks from Arkansas that come to Earth to play the most dangerous game. They actually have a civilization and a culture. And presumably, it's worth exploring, because none of the other movies do. "

On the studio mixing and cutting elements: "At one time or another, the studio, I think, and I do not nominate anyone in particular, but there were these fears that we were moving too far away from what people were expecting from the movie. And then we sat down and said, "I guess we have to hunt and it must be night, so it's scary." Do not beat anything we had seen before In fact, I'm pretty happy with the first half of the movie, but it's a shambles, and Hollywood does it all the time, trying to please everyone, you do not use nobody. "

On the final stage involving the Predator combination: "We pulled it. I wrote this last line. But I was not happy about that. Everything seemed to be out of sync with this particular franchise. It was one of the many ideas we launched and pulled. We shot a version in which Ripley was in the cocoon and one in which Aliens's Newt was in the cocoon. Sigourney [Weaver] I did not want Ripley to have a future in the franchise and, finally, I do not think anyone remembers Newt well enough for it to have any meaning whatsoever. "

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