Pregnant woman missing in Takoradi found in Axim


The 29-year-old pregnant woman, reported missing in Takoradi on September 16, was reportedly found in Axim in the municipality of Nzema East.

The victim, Josephine Simons, took a morning walk from Amanoo Road to the Paa Grant roundabout as part of her exercise routine this Thursday and did not return.

A search team was called after her mother received a call from an unknown person who said they couldn’t use it for what they wanted.

During the phone call, the suspects also said they dumped her somewhere, a close relative said JoyNews.

Pregnant woman missing in Takoradi found in Axim

The relative said she was found on Tuesday September 21 in Axim and is currently being admitted to the government hospital in Axim.

Meanwhile, the regional police command has yet to confirm whether the woman found in Axim is Josephine Panyin Simons.

Already there appears to be jubilation among those close to Josephine Panyin Simons as images suggest she is the one that has gone viral.

Unconfirmed reports say the woman gave birth and the baby was taken away as she has not shown any signs of pregnancy since.

However, she has yet to explain what happened before it was found in a bush in Axim by a carpenter.

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