President Buhari is in love with words that end in ‘ism’ except one


However, I never knew President Buhari well when he was military head of state from 1984 to 1985, but when he was overthrown by General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (IBB), I cried for the country. because of his war on indiscipline (WAI).

But from what he has demonstrated as his leadership style as President of Nigeria today, I doubt he was the same man behind WAI back then.

In appointing his cabinet members, he clearly demonstrated that he is in love with words that end in ism (nepotism, tribalism, sectionalism, favoritism, cynicism, “marginalism” if such a word exists and other similar words. finishing theism except one (critic) I believe he also hates patriotism with a passion.

Unfortunately for our dear country, these words that end isism gave rise to a corruption that President Buhari promised to fight to the end during his campaign. Because of his love for the ending words ofism, parts of this great country that feel marginalized are agitating for self-determination. I am not one of those who blame President Buhari for the current economic difficulties in present day Nigeria, as I am not an expert in economics.

However, the appointments of his acquaintances, longtime friends and party members are largely responsible for today’s unfavorable economic situations which in turn have “given birth” to armed banditry, kidnappings of schoolchildren, activities of shepherds, operations of unknown armed men, kidnappings and other vices of society. in Nigeria. At the beginning of this administration, when I saw the direction of the appointments made by President Buhari, I wrote him an open letter even though he did not know me as a person. But I believe he read the letter of his reaction a day after the letter was published, when he said he was going to be fair to all parts of Nigeria. Likewise, when he won the 2019 general election again, I wrote him another open letter advising him on the need to be fair to all parts of this nation. The letter can however be read here

When President Buhari took over from former President Goodluck Jonathan on May 29, 2015, in his address to Nigerians, he said and I quote: “I belong to everyone and I do not belong to anyone. ”. Nigerians were impressed by this statement, including the author of this article. Nigerians had no idea he was actually using sarcasm, a word similar to the words President Buhari fell in love with in that statement.

My personal analysis of the declaration is that President Buhari belongs to everyone (everyone in this context means all the peoples of the North, especially the people of Katsina and the members of the APC). Again, when President Buhari declared that he belonged to no one (no one in this context means all other parts of the country apart from the North and other political parties except the APC) . This statement was intended to deceive Nigerians. Well, every human being on earth has one weakness or another. It is possible that President Buhari is on a mission of revenge.

Maybe President Buhari thinks the Nigerians supported General IBB to overthrow him and put him in jail in 1985, it would be good if President Buhari borrow a “fresh” sheet from the great world leader in the person of Nelson Mandela of blessed memory. who was in prison for twenty-seven years, but when he got out of prison to become president, he preached the gospel of forgiveness to South Africans and to the whole world, including his white counterparts who threw him in jail and have also shown that in his appointments.

It’s not that I love former President Olusegun Obasanjo so much, but when he too was released from prison to become President of Nigeria in 1999, he created the Oputa Panel with the aim of reconciling all sides of this country. Also, former President Obasanjo was not biased in his appointment, otherwise people like former EFCC President Nuhu Ribadu and a great woman from modern Nigeria like Professor Dora Akunyili of blessed memory would not have not been discovered. I’m sure these appointments weren’t based on any of the words ending in ism that President Buhari is in love with. When your parents who thought President Obasanjo was going to be a stooge in their hands realized that he was not, they appealed to Sharia law to disrupt his administration. But as a leader who understands his responsibility, he responded by saying that “Sharia law will die a natural death” and today, “Sharia is no more”.

I am Nigerian and will remain Nigerian and as such I wish the President the best of luck in his administration.

Okike Benjamin is a teacher in the Computer Science Department at the University of Abuja.

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