Presiding member of KMA urges members to stay in the spirit of coexistence


Abraham Boadi - President of the KMA

Abraham Boadi – President of the KMA

The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) today held its first regular meeting of the 4th session of the 7th Assembly in Kumasi, calling on its members to pursue good labor relations that have significantly displaced the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) today. badembled on a high base.

the Presiding Member (PM), Mr. Abraham Boadi called at the opening of the first day of the meeting.

He stressed that the peace, unity and cohesion that prevailed in the Assembly in the last two years could be described as unprecedented in the history of the KMA.

He congratulated the Director General, Mr. Ossei Assibey-Antwi for her leadership qualities that allowed her to gain the trust of badembly members, staff, traditional authorities and citizens.

He emphasized that the good cohesion had allowed the badembly to gain local and international recognition and reputation.

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Mr. Boadi urged everyone to ensure that the cordial relationship is maintained to help improve the KMA's development program.

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