Press Release: Government explains Nkrumah's perception of the new program


Dr. Kwame Nkrumah obtained the independence of Ghana in March 1957

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Public Concerns About the History Program

The attention of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) has been drawn to some concerns raised on some social and electronic media platforms, claiming that the new curriculum for primary schools to strengthen the role of Dr. JB Danquah in Ghana. history in the service of a political interest. These concerns tend to give a partisan political color to the development of the history program, which the NaCCA considers regrettable.

NaCCA therefore wishes to provide the following important clarifications:

1. The story is chronological and periodic in nature. The period covered by the history program at the primary level focuses mainly on the pre-independent events that served as a basis for the subsequent development of political activities that contributed to the independence of Ghana. At this point, Dr. J. B. Danquah played a leading role. It is therefore important that our young learners appreciate the chronology of events in our political history.

2. At JHS and SHS levels, the history program will give more details about independence and political activities after independence. This is where Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and other leaders and political regimes occupy a more important place.

3. The experts who designed the program were not selected on the basis of political considerations, and it is unfortunate that anyone can suggest the opposite. Professors Kwame Osei Kwarteng, Wilson Yayoh, Samuel Boadi Siaw, Ms. Anitha Adu-Boahen, and other historians who have worked on the history program are all scholars of great reputation and proven integrity who do not have nothing to gain. to distort the historical facts in one way or another. To ensure quality, the program was reviewed by Professor Emeritus D. E. K. Amenumey.

While NaCCA appreciates and values ​​public comment on the new curriculum as an important element in improving learning outcomes through a robust and responsive curriculum, we would like to emphasize that our works are mainly based on academic and professional considerations.

NaCCA hopes to receive more public comment on the new program. In addition, NaCCA wishes to thank the public for the generally warm welcome reserved for the new standards-based program.

Dr. Prince H. Armah Ag Executive Secretary

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