Prevent the Cholera Epidemic – A Call for Action


Health News Saturday, June 15, 2019



Cholera bacteria 1 Cholera infection is caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated by a bacterium

Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease that can kill in hours if left untreated.

The researchers estimated that there were between 1.3 and 4.0 million cases of cholera each year and between 21,000 and 143,000 deaths worldwide due to cholera.

According to the researchers, safe water supply and sanitation are essential to control the transmission of cholera and other water-borne diseases.

Thus, the cholera infection is caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated by a bacterium. Clearly, cholera remains a global threat to public health.

That is why the warning issued by the Ghana Health Service (GHS) about the cholera outbreak in Accra must be taken seriously.

"We want to alert the general public to the fact that with the onset of the rains and poor sanitation, we are likely to face an epidemic of cholera and other infectious diseases in the Greater Accra area," he said. the regional director of the GHS for Greater Accra. Dr. Charity Sarpong, warned.

He also advised the public to keep his environment clean, to avoid open defecation, to clean toilets and surfaces with a disinfectant and to cover uncollected waste.

He also urged the public to ensure the safety of food and water by eating hot foods that are free of dust, flies and dirt, while ensuring that food preparation areas are always clean.

"Wash fruits and vegetables with water before eating, always cover foods, it is prudent to drink bottled water and canned drinks with uninterrupted seals", has-it- he warned. the season.

The Ghanaian Times considers that the opinion of the GHS is timely to allow the public to take all the necessary precautionary measures to prevent the onset of the disease.

The country already has a sordid history of cholera outbreak that has almost become a perennial during the rainy season.

We recall many deaths recorded in the country in the past, mainly due to hygiene and sanitation problems in the Greater Accra region.

To prevent the recurrence of what we have experienced in the past, we urge all to contribute to efforts to contain any epidemic in the region.

As we have been told, preventive measures, as well as early detection, are the safest way to fight the disease.

We therefore urge everyone to take proactive measures to prevent cholera by adhering to the basic recommendation of the GHS.

It is important for us to avoid the cyclical epidemic of cholera in the country by investing more in sanitation and drinking water.

This has become absolutely necessary because of climate change, increasing population growth due to urbanization and its resulting insanitary condition, which has increased the risk of cholera outbreak.

We urge the authorities to strengthen early warning surveillance systems to monitor and contain the situation.

We all know that when cholera strikes, it is devastating. He moves quickly and attacks anyone. So we need to work together to stop the cholera epidemics this year, but if necessary, we would make sure that the impact would be insignificant.

All the hands must be on the bridge!

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