Preventing psychiatric drug addiction from premature


BOSTON, March 22, 2019 / PRNewswire / – Observatory of Psychiatric Disorders, New England Citizens' Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) held an outreach event Sunday morning in front of participants at a major OBGYN conference in Boston to prevent the authorization of psychotropic women to take psychotropic substances. are prescribed in the same way and may be born with conbad malformations, including a specific brain malformation.

Citizens Commission on Human Rights New England, Inc.

Citizens Commission on Human Rights New England, Inc.

"While writing and researching the dangers of psychiatric drugs prescribed to children," said CL Garrison, a CCHR volunteer and author of Drugs for children: wholesale drug addiction of schoolchildren for ADHD by psychiatry, "I found that the same toxic substances hurt children in the womb."

The main information disseminated concerned a study entitled "Chiari I Malformation Rate in Children of Depressed Mothers with or without Prenatal SSRI Exposure", in which 18% of children whose SSRI antidepressants were born had such a severe birth. . only 2% of children of mothers who did not take antidepressants during pregnancy. The study included 189 children and the authors believe that it is necessary to further replicate their study.

The cerebral malformation of Chiari 1 is a condition in which the lower brain develops in the upper part of the spinal cbad. In some people, this is not noticed, while others may experience extreme negative effects such as constant headaches, neck pain, blurred vision, balance problems and weakness.

"Given the available data regarding conbad anomalies due to antidepressants, we believe that there is a need for further research on the harmful effects on the fetus and that it would be far better to use safe and natural alternatives to remedy normal hormonal changes in mothers, "he said Kevin Hall(New England) Director of CCHR, established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and a psychiatrist Thomas Szasz investigate and denounce psychiatric violations of human rights. in the section on antidepressants shows conbad abnormalities potentially related to antidepressants: Chiari I brain malformation, increased risk of autism by 1% to 1.87%, language disorders, infantile heart disease and speech, school and motor disorders. In addition, a quick web search can reveal that there are several clbad actions against antidepressant manufacturers due to birth defects.

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CL Garrison informing gynecologists

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SOURCE Commission for the Human Rights of Citizens New England, Inc.

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