Preventive implantation of cardioverter defibrillators presents little benefit for kidney dialysis patients


Placing an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) in kidney dialysis patients as a preventive measure has few advantages. This device does not prevent premature death, according to researchers from the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in the leading scientific journal circulation.

The researchers explain that the outcome of their prospective randomized trial on kidney dialysis patients solves a protracted debate among practitioners. "One half thought that we should implant an ICD in all patients on dialysis as a preventive measure, while the other half thought that this intervention was too radical for such vulnerable patients, but no one really knew it. investigated for the first time in a large clinical trial, "says cardiology professor Wouter Jukema. He initiated the study with Professor Ton Rabelink and Dr. Joris Rotmans of the Division of Nephrology.

No difference between groups

The results are clear. The researchers studied 188 kidney dialysis patients aged 55 to 80, of whom 97 received an ICD. After an average of seven years, the researchers found no difference between the two groups in the occurrence of sudden cardiac death or death from other causes. "The risk of death for kidney dialysis patients remains extremely high.On average, half of patients die within five years, most often from an infection.Thus, unfortunately, the implantation of an ICD does not reduce the death rate, "said PhD candidate Rohit. Timal.

The researchers recommend including in the international recommendations recommendations that there is no reason to implant ICDs in kidney dialysis patients as a routine preventative measure. "This way we can prevent patients from unnecessary surgical procedures and possible complications and save a lot of money," said Jukema.


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