Primary school student, elementary school student, released on bail for threatening director


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A three-year-old from St. Anne's Elementary School in Damongo, Savannah Region, 14, was released on bail after threatening a teacher with a gun.

The boy (undisclosed identity) was stopped with a gun by the police after threatening to shoot a teacher who would dare to intervene in a misunderstanding that he would have had with another school student.

The gun with two rounds of ammunition was recovered from the boy after a search of his room by the police following a complaint filed by the school headmaster.

After his interrogation after his arrest, he told the police that he had taken the gun from a bag that his older brother had given him and that he had to keep in his room.

The police asked the suspect's father to report three times in one week to help continue the investigations after the boy's release.

Damongo police confirmed the boy's arrest but declined to comment further.

The director of the school, Mr. Amos Akuro, said that he was alarmed when students told him that they had seen the boy with a gun after threatening to shoot n & nbsp; Any school teacher who intervenes in his argument with another student. He then complained to the police.

He added that the police had gone to school and that the boy had driven him to his home. A search of the boy's home revealed a pistol and two rounds of ammunition, after which the boy was arrested.

Mr. Akuro also stated that he reported the incident to the West Gonja District Education Branch.

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