Prime Minister meets the State Council on Ghana, Beyond the Aid Charter, Strategy Paper


General News of Monday, June 3, 2019



Prime Minister Osafo Maafo 1 Prime Minister, Yaw Osafo Marfo

Prime Minister, the Hon. Yaw Osafo-Maafo met with the State Council on Thursday, May 30, 2019, where he briefed the Council on the strategy document and management strategy for aid beyond Ghana at the Presidential Salon of State House in Accra.

L & # 39; Hon. In a presentation to the Council, Yaw Osafo-Maafo made it clear that the agenda of the Beyond Assistance in Ghana program was a vision of His Excellency the President of the Republic. He highlighted and explained the key points of the document to members.

He explained that "Ghana Beyond Aid is a prosperous and confident Ghana that manages its economic destiny. A transformed Ghana that is prosperous enough to not need help and is competing with the rest of the world through trade and investment. "

He added that Ghana beyond the aid is not a development plan, but rather a call for a paradigm shift through a change in attitude and of mentality on the part of all the citizens of the country. According to the Prime Minister, Ghana does not reject aid or support, but we should rather determine what this aid should serve to benefit our people.

He said: "To achieve a Ghana Beyond Aid program, we will need to effectively leverage our own resources and deploy them creatively and effectively for rapid economic and social transformation. This will require hard work, a spirit of enterprise, creativity and a consistent fight against corruption in public life. It will also require breaking with the addiction mentality and adopting a spirit of self-confidence, fueled by love for our dear country, Ghana. We can not subordinate the common good to build a prosperous nation to the selfish interest of the few. "

The Prime Minister stated that there was a multi-stakeholder committee composed of representatives of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), the Ghana Industries Association (AGI), the Federation of Private Enterprises (PEF), Ghana National Teachers' Association (GNAT), Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI), Ghana National Students Union (NUGS) and selected ministries.

The Assistance Committee Beyond Ghana has created the following sub-committees: Modernization of Agriculture, Finance and Economy Private Sector Development, Changes in Values ​​and Attitudes, Work and Employment, Infrastructure, human development, publicity and public engagement. These subcommittees have been mandated to develop ideas and structures that will help develop the strategy document. Positions and contributions were solicited from the public.

L & # 39; Hon. Osafo-Maafo reported that thirty (30) institutions were invited to present their presentations and twenty-two (22) responded, including academic and research institutions, civil society organizations and professional organizations. Again, each department also submitted their comments to explain what can be done to support Ghana Beyond Aid's vision. In addition, voluntary contributions of documents and contributions from Ghanaians, both at home and abroad, were received.

In his presentation, the prime minister insisted that Ghana Beyond Aid would need – to adopt a new state of mind on the part of all Ghanaians; establish and deepen social partnerships involving all major stakeholders such as labor, traditional authorities, industries, among others; non-partisan approach to our national development; and a national consensus on the direction of our national development.

The strategy will be based on a ten (10) point reform program and include macroeconomic stability; increased mobilization of public resources, especially income; more efficient use of all public resources – fight against corruption and a more professional and transparent approach; improvement of public infrastructure and easier and more secure access to land; a robust financial sector to increase private domestic savings and foreign private portfolio investment; a more favorable private sector environment and support for Ghanaian ownership and ownership in key enterprises; export promotion and import substitution; technological capacity building; create a strong social partnership between business and government for social and economic development; and more strategic mobilization and use of aid, taking into account the type, conditions and development priorities of Ghana.

The Prime Minister did not delay adding that Ghana Beyond Aid had been launched with the W.I.S.E.R. Acronym of Ghana which is interpreted as W – Wealthy Ghana, I – Inclusive Ghana, S – Sustainable Ghana, E – Empowered Ghana and R – Resilient Ghana. This according to him will work collectively to realize a "W.I.S.E.R. Ghana".

Concluding his presentation, Hon. Osafo-Maafo said that Ghana Beyond Aid is non-partisan and that this vision should belong to all Ghanaians so that each government remains committed to this vision. He believes that to achieve this, there will be a Council for Africa, beyond aid, that will oversee the implementation of the vision.

The President of the State Council, the Hon. Nana Otuo Siriboe II, Juabehene, was delighted by the release of the paper on the strategy and charter Beyond Ghana's Aid by the Prime Minister. The majority of members posed various questions and made positive contributions to the document by calling on the government and the secretariat to enforce the law and press for the implementation of Ghana's Beyond Aid program to be implemented. a success.

Some of the suggestions made by the council include: fighting sanitation indiscipline, educating citizens about their civic responsibilities, working effectively on the financial system of our economy, reforming the education system technical, increase rice production, fight against agricultural production in general, among others in the country. They understood that Ghana could reduce large imports of rice and other agricultural products if the government worked in that direction. State Council members expressed satisfaction that the Ghana Beyond Aid program is a non-partisan approach and called on the people of Ghana to support the program to achieve results.

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